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Anonymous commented at 2011-08-21 14:32:28 » #854451

yeah innocent yet she put points to equip axe...-looks left and right- RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-11 20:59:45 » #875092

So pretty! I want to hug her! :-D

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-18 11:36:13 » #1438641

Squire: Damn, I'm left with 1 HP and separated from the main group only with White mage here...
Heal me up and we can join the rest !
WM: You know... I always wanted to wield your axe for once...
Squire: We can do that after we regroup !
WM: But I want to do it now...
Squire: You don't even have the skill to equip axes...
WM: You're right... but that can be fixed ^_^
(yandere eyes start to glow)
9 turns later...
WM: Hi guys, guess what, Squire passed away and in his dying breath told me to get his soul crystal !
(thinking: I kind of want to equip swords too !)
looks at Knight and smiles:
Hey, we should be paired up next time, we would make such a good team !

2 Points Flag