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Anonymous commented at 2011-08-31 15:59:25 » #864303

you know

Bestality with Felidaes is very rare.

I wonder why that is

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-01 00:29:14 » #864771

Must be because cats have barbed penises. So I doubt it would be much fun for the recipient of said barbed cat penis.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-02 00:04:24 » #865717

Gorillas have tiny, tiny penises, but that hasn't stopped anyone yet.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-02 00:12:08 » #865723

Bestality with Felidaes is super common (in pictures) for female creatures...

I've also read a lot of guys fantasizing about doing (and some claiming to have done) female big cats... and I'd do one too if the moment was right

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-05 12:24:14 » #869212

Why do people say that the barbs the cats have hurt?... It's freaking soft, and I read in a vet's mag that it only promotes reproduction on the female... god i hate retards. (yeah i'm talking about you anon2)

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-08 14:57:50 » #872161

Just because anon2 hasn't taken the time to look up what the barbs on a cat's penis feel like, doesn't mean he's a retard.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-15 06:16:12 » #877845


Barbed penis you said?

Nature sure is scary

2 Points Flag
dark.white commented at 2011-09-16 04:53:08 » #878426

Female cats scream when the males pull out because the barbs HURT. The barbs are supposed to scrape harshly against the vaginal walls, which causes the muscles to contract tightly in response. This keeps the male's semen from leaking out and prevents another male from fornicating immediately afterwards.

3 Points Flag
justforthefunofit commented at 2011-09-17 12:47:38 » #879466

To comment on the above post. I'm not sure about the contracting muscle. But I do know for sure that the barbs and pain stimulation will induce ovulation in female felines.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-03-13 05:07:35 » #1022692

Main reason for feline bestiality to be uncommon is because male large felines have... Violent mating rituals. Biting and scratching is more than common... And that isn't comfortable, as you probably can guess.

0 Points Flag