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Anonymous commented at 2012-04-05 21:51:54 » #1041941

Anyone who can get an angel pregnant has guts.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-10 22:34:35 » #1485733

Or just some good staying power.

2 Points Flag
solutions10 commented at 2014-07-23 17:32:48 » #1573947

This is actually canon, there are human-angel pregnancies in the Bible, the resulting half-angel called nephilim. Word of God (literally in this sense) says they can have children with humans.

So, you know, 'grats to the couple. Clearly, someone's prayers were answered.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-12 12:39:37 » #1775267

You don't have to be a religious person to find religious texts interesting, you know.

I think him saying it was "canon" rather than "this actually happened in real life" kinda hints at that.

4 Points Flag
solutions10 commented at 2015-10-30 22:58:56 » #1840128

Over a year late on this one, but yeah, I was just mentioning that, in the text (which inspired some awesome hentai genres with other "sacred texts" that had stories with monster-girls and the like, I mean, allow these stories some credit for being the original source of a lot of great stuff), humans and angels can fuck one another and create hybrids. Which, if you're paying attention, is a cool idea. Most hybrid-girls are, but something about angels...Yeah.

And, yeah, you don't have to be religious to find the stories interesting. Even if you don't want to follow a religion about it, the stories themselves are actually kind of awesome. But some people, as seen above, get really insane, and I mean full-psychotic-senseless-crazy, if you even mention the word "bible", to the point that they'll comment on this goddamned picture just to mention how upset they are that you brought up a book.

3 Points Flag