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Anonymous commented at 2011-09-25 09:46:11 » #885625

HOREE SHIT-O. that is all.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-11-28 23:07:43 » #938195

Fans will never let him live down the fact that his stupidity got Optimus killed.

2 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2011-11-28 23:11:19 » #938198

He wasn't stupid...he saw Megatron with a gun and tried to stop him. any other Autobot would have done the same. Also, everyone forgets that Hot Rod saved all the Autobots because he saw the hole in the shuttlecraft the Deceptions took over and were going to use to sneak into Autobot City. If Hot Rod didn't see the hole they blew in the ship and attack the Decepticons and blew their cover, they would have destroyed Autobot City from the inside and the movie would have ended much earlier with all the Autobots dead.

5 Points Flag
Ether101 commented at 2012-01-26 08:30:45 » #986875

The fact that Optimus had a clear shot and didn't take it is what got him killed.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-03-29 08:33:54 » #1035726

Daijin just recently watched the movie and it was Daniel that noticed the hole in the shuttle not Hot Rod. Daniel also helped move some heavy object, it didn't budge until he joined. In my opinion Daniel should have been the next prime ^_^

0 Points Flag
Lu_Aza commented at 2012-03-29 08:47:07 » #1035734

Daniel can burn in Hell along with Hot Rod and whoever decided it was a great idea to ruin the Dinobots, both in the movie and season 3.

Grimlock used to be king. Now Grimlock just Scooby-Doo.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-07-13 09:40:14 » #1115243

Besides, there's nothing Hot Rod could have done anyways. If anything, the outcome would have been the same regardless of Hot Rod's interference or the lack of such.

1 Points Flag