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Anonymous commented at 2011-10-23 15:03:25 » #908023

at first i was like.."whats that" and then i was like "HOLY SANTA MARIA WHAT THE FUCK!"

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-24 13:07:20 » #908805

Adorable, but I think he needs to shave a bit.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-25 22:53:44 » #910036

This is great. I like the female body, but vagina and estrogen is a total turn off. Think about it, better sex drive, no pms, can't get pregnant...it's perfect.

55 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-25 22:55:33 » #910038


Nice couple!

18 Points Flag
MotherFather commented at 2012-01-06 21:20:30 » #970565

This must be the multiverse's luckiest king

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-01-20 20:45:14 » #982308

Ahh, you found my trap! Thank you so much. Wait. Can you hold her there for just a moment? Perfect. I just wanna break her in first. I'll double your reward afterwards, kind sir.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-03-29 12:24:30 » #1035867

I normally love traps, but the armpit and pubic hair are a real turn off TTwTT"... The rest of it is frickin cute, just the hair is my only complaint...

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-29 01:08:44 » #1444728

@anon91003 You realize that many if not most traps take estrogen and/or anti-androgens to look more feminine, right? Even those not on Hormone replacement therapy tend to eat a lot of foods with phytoestrogens. Sure there are some look androgynous enough without hormone replacement or a special diet. But not all androgynous males look like girls enough to be traps. The ones that do, are probably a rarity, otherwise traps would be much more common.

3 Points Flag