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Anonymous commented at 2009-08-01 03:18:23 » #86409

The only issue with this is the reflection or mirror images face is not right. The mirror's face would be turned away seeing mostly CC's hair. Maybe you'd see a bit of her eye and nose, but not the whole face.

But otherwise, gorgeous. And Yummy!

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Mogak commented at 2010-08-15 17:16:33 » #402395

Have you not looked in a mirror recently? It's correct if you are speaking of a Mirror. >.>
The body moves in the same way as your body does, but since it is looking back at you certain things change (I.E Your right hand is the Mirror image's Left hand). But if you turn to the right, the mirror image turns to it's left, but you are both looking the same direction.

Long post FTL. >.<

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