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Anonymous commented at 2013-07-17 12:12:56 » #1361718

Scorpion: "Get over here."

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-18 18:08:41 » #1362544

Oh Scorpion! You shouldn't have come here. Go back while you still can. I know you are a tough guy. I have heard many stories about your exploits. I know you have been in some deep shit before, and you managed to get through it. But this is different. This is Gelbooru, bad things happen here. Really bad things. If you had seen what I have seen you would have turned your back now, gone home and never returned. This is were they try men's souls. Can you not hear the ecstatic, demented screams of the damned? Can you not smell the stench of human flesh ravaging human flesh endlessly? Can you not see the crazed look in the eyes of those beyond the gate? This is where you make your choice. I can only hope that you are wise enough to to heed my words.

4 Points Flag