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Anonymous commented at 2011-12-04 06:40:23 » #942494

is this from the first movie? the second was to be out in 2011 but i don't remember when exactly...

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-01-04 08:53:48 » #968242

yea first movie im sure, and if i remember isnt that balot getting fucked of her dad?

4 Points Flag
saioul commented at 2012-01-05 20:58:08 » #969683

Its from the porn movie of her not her dad, I think

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-01-11 05:25:36 » #974238

Link to source please.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-05-24 15:23:55 » #1077355

Mardock Scramble Asshuku Movie

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-07-29 01:47:54 » #1126966

bet this got cut from the dub. Imagine if sentai made a mistake and thought Rune moaned in the sex scenes (hilary haag moaning, apply audio to Mio, Rosette, Tessa, etc).

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-13 22:35:13 » #1245316

No this is her dad having sex with her as I will now clear up.
When she testified in court it was revealed that Rune was sexually assulted (I don't like using the 'R' word) when she was 12 by her father (to which she offered no resistance). Her brother soon after found out what their father was doing to her and assulted him wirh the intention to kill, the father lived and Rune's brother was sent to prison.
With her brother in prison, her father possiblly in hospital (as it doesn't reveal what happened to him) and her mother dead (at least I assume she's dead as her only scene in the movie pictured her sitting on the toilet OD-ing) Rune somehow ended up in a brothel (I assume on the surface it looks like an orphanage for girls or something) where for the next 3 years Rune became a sex object to be used by many men. This lasted until the police discovered the place and arrested the occupants.
As she lay in jail Rune met Shell and he payed her bail. And after that she became his 'girlfriend'.

To be honest Rune is messed in the head, she has a twisted sense of what love and affection is. She believes if someone does not 'F' her then they don't love her. I refer to the scene of her and Oeufcoque (the mouse) when their by a river.
This what happens when you're treated like a sex toy by strangers and even your own family for 3 years, I mean in the trial she says she loves her father despite what he did to her.

But anyway the scenes showing now are from when Boiled gives the '5 monstrosities' (as I like to call them) a video of their target Rune Balot and they sit down as watch it.

9 Points Flag