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nivrac commented at 2011-12-05 16:44:20 » #943688

What happens when a pregnant Ranma turns male?

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-05 19:56:37 » #943806

nivrac, the answer is simple. The two Ranmas actually coexist in a state of magical flux, therefore Ranma is both male and female at all times but only one manifests at a time. Triggering the transformation merely switches to the other sex version, which was maintained in existence but not manifested at the time. Think of it like switching movies in a player that remembers where you were on the previous disc. So pregnant female Ranma switches to male and then back to pregnant female in the same pregnant state.

Now stop thinking and FAP!

19 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-06 12:37:07 » #944414

As Takahashi once said, "I don't think about that and neither should you."

17 Points Flag
DontKillBugs commented at 2011-12-07 20:14:07 » #945611

The common belief in fanfic is that pregnancy simply locks the curse in female form. Whether said locking is permanent or not depends on the author.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-01-24 21:44:28 » #985583

The baby likely dies, and possibly the mother along with it in horrible ways. It's the only way to explain the ladle and kettle that the Musk used.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-25 11:56:38 » #1348085

Or, you know, for a bit of epileptic trees we could go with the following ideas:

1.) Most of the Musk seem to be mammal-based
2.) While the baby is still in the womb it could arguably be said to be an extension of the mother
3.) The curse might transform the baby with the mother when possible (ie, the baby inherits the mother's transformation, becoming a wolf-fetus if the mother's true form is a wolf)
4.) While animal-human hybrids are an asset, changing form due to water is a weakness, thus locking it.
5.) As for Herb, it would be much easier to imprison a dragon trapped as a human woman than one that could change back inbetween pregnancies

...I like the idea of the curse locking itself when the alternate form can't carry the child simply because it's simple and avoids any uglyness or grotesque circumstances (excluding Saffron), which is in keeping the overall tone of Ranma 1/2. Afterall, it's a light comedy despite characters regularly numerous violent techniques that should result in extreme gore, and never even touching on concepts like rape despite having many (Musk capturing animals and turning them into women for breeding purposes), many (Fishing rod love charm), many (Happosai using his skills to get his jollies), many (weakness moxibustion arc), many (Kuno's grabby hands) situations that would seem to raise the possibility. So I think it's safe to say that the rule of Ranma-verse is that things only get dire in an emotional sense, or heroic life-or-death struggles to save a damsel in distress.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-25 12:03:06 » #1348093

Bleh, should've edited first.

#4 I was trying to say that's why they would need the ladle to lock the curse.

Also, I think the kettle is just one of those "every spell has to have a counterspell" kind of things; or the Musk made it just in case there was an accident (like what happened to Herb)

The Saffron exclusion was supposed to be mention with the idea of no gore in Ranma 1/2. While they don't depict it in a blood 'n guts way, the guy is torn apart several times over the course of the fight (he gets better).

Also, forgot to point out Kodachi's tendency to use paralysis potions. Or Mousse' ridiculous hypnotism mask.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-08-28 13:52:04 » #2161758

What happens when he jerks off, transforms himself into a woman, and than put the sperm into her vagina?

1 Points Flag