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XerBlade commented at 2012-02-18 07:17:19 » #1005941

There sure looks like there's a LOOOONG story behind this....

6 Points Flag
JamesWN commented at 2012-02-19 02:06:04 » #1006614

KING'S GAME! Gone awry or not is up to debate... >.>

5 Points Flag
XerBlade commented at 2012-02-19 19:26:41 » #1007174

Let me see how much I can tell what's going on while ignoring the moonrunes entirely....

Disposable chopsticks with numbers written on the ends obviously suggests king's game. The highest number visible is 8, so there must be at least 9 participants. Whether or not she is one of them is unknown.

The placement of her clothes suggests that her undressing was very abrupt and hasty. One person likely pulled them out of the way. The likelihood that she did it herself is close to zero.

The positioning of the moist spot suggests that the panties were put on before she got wet and haven't been removed since, so it's very likely that they were never removed to begin with. However, going by the fold in the side straps, it's likely it was partially pulled down but not enough for her genitals to be uncovered, probably in order to ease the placement of those sticks, and then replaced.

Speaking of the sticks, seeing as there are certain numbers with no discernible pattern involved, and the king stick is not present, it is likely that the people with those numbers were ordered by the king to place them there.

Back on the beginning of the topic of the clothes, their rather neat placement suggests a lack of any struggle once they reached their positions. I see no tears, adding to the likelihood that this is consensual. Though it is technically possible that someone may have just wiped them away, though normally her eyes would be red and puffy if that were the case, and while it is very likely that the artist simply wouldn't draw that effect in anyway, it is far more likely that, if the artist had in mind that there had been tears, he would have just drawn them in and gotten it over with. She is always blushing, no matter what, so the blush can safely be ignored.

Semen is splattered over her face and left side. It being localized to just her left side, with none on the right, shows that it all came from one direction, suggesting that it is all from the same person. The amount suggests multiple people, but it is highly unlikely that multiple people would wait to take turns shooting from the same location.

The way the creases of the sheets fall suggest that this can only be a waterbed, so this is almost certainly taking place in a love hotel.

A toothbrush is by her side, if not wet now it was recently and very much so, as the soak spot spread quite a bit for its small size. The localization of the soak spot suggests that only the head was inserted. The moisture likely originates either from her genitals or mouth. Based on its position, the mouth is far more likely. Also from its position, we can infer that it was likely used and placed there by the same person the semen came from, since it is lined up perfectly to have been pulled back away in the same direction the semen came from. Also, it has been purposefully placed right-side-up, rather than on its side, which is difficult to pull off on a bed, especially on a sunk-in area, so we can infer that the person who placed it is very meticulous.

There are three condoms placed around her. Due to the different arrangements, levels and areas of stretching, and viscosity of the semen within, in addition to only one of them being tied off, they can only be from three separate people. Since her panties have obviously not been removed, and it is highly unlikely that someone, especially three someones, might use condoms for oral, as well as the chances of them being used for masturbation being pretty much zero, there must be at least one other girl present, if not more. As with Ayane, they may or may not be among the actual participants of the game.

In summary: it has been a LOOOONG story, and far more is yet to come.

13 Points Flag
XerBlade commented at 2012-02-19 20:04:03 » #1007211

Ah, I forgot to consider an alternate possibility to explain the condoms. It is possible that some of the guys present may be bisexual.

6 Points Flag
Lapool commented at 2013-01-27 00:21:45 » #1253793

....wow. Just wow.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-02-27 02:30:46 » #1273189

looks like the gang played the king's game again...
poor ayane had no say so in the guys fucking her because "the king's orders are absolute!"

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-04-17 04:47:16 » #1304135

Who wants to help me overcome my self-esteem issues!?

4 Points Flag