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jedi1357 commented at 2017-10-02 20:52:39 » #2172246

今日はみんなでお泊りの日。だがその楽しいはずの夜は、エアコンの故障という思いがけない事故によって悪夢の晩へと一変した。折りしも夏の異常気象。むせかえる熱帯夜はすさまじく、絡み付く腐肉の檻の如し。  そんな中、寝苦しさに耐えかねて目を覚ましたほむらは、他の皆が居なくなっているのに気がついた。見回せば、台所から漏れる仄かな明かりと不気味な物音。熱気をかき分け、台所を覗き込むとそこには―― 「…あ゛。ご…

 Today is the day we stayed together. However, in the evening that should have been fun, the unexpected accident of air conditioner breakdown changed it completely into a nightmare evening. Extremely hot weather this summer. The tropical night that rose up was terrible, like a cage of entangled meat. Meanwhile, Homura who awoke to not being able to withstand sleepiness noticed that everyone else was gone. Looking around, a gentle light leaked from the kitchen with an eerie sound. Pounding out hot air and looking into the kitchen there is - "... Ah! ... Wah?...

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