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Grimgravy commented at 2012-04-01 21:14:13 » #1038620

There needs to be more like this. Is the pokephilia tag still around? It damn well should be.

60 Points Flag
ShadowbladeEdge commented at 2012-04-01 21:17:27 » #1038624

No it isn't, and no it shouldn't.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-01 21:35:37 » #1038635

@ Shadowbladeedge

Agreed. I prefer Dawn getting fucked silly by Ash.

10 Points Flag
ShadowbladeEdge commented at 2012-04-01 21:54:28 » #1038649

I was actually referring to the pokephilia tag, I was a bit oblique in my curtness. I don't really care what's having sex with what in the Pokemon universe.

31 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-02 05:32:10 » #1038968

Fucking like a champ

91 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-02 15:06:31 » #1039249

"I don't like it, so we shouldn't have a tag for it."
Shadow, my friend, that is not how it works.

64 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-02 15:09:23 » #1039251

Oh, and just to make it more clear:
Pokemon tag refers to the show and usually depicts the characters of the show; pokephilia tag depicts characters or pokemon having sex with other pokemon.

Some people want to see the characters, some people want to see the pokemon. Saying you don't care doesn't mean that others share the same view as you.

24 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-02 17:22:43 » #1039336

Would someone rather explain me why from all paragrpahs in Prohibited Content of the ToS mods follow only the first one, Non-Japanese (okay, and Doujinshi to some extent), but don't give a shit at Bestiality, Grotesque, etc?

3 Points Flag
Xalrun commented at 2012-04-02 17:38:02 » #1039345

uhh, what are you talking about?

10 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2012-04-02 17:56:41 » #1039362

@ Anonymous >> #1039251

That doesn't matter. The reason we don't like the tag doesn't have anything to do with that. The reason is that it's redundant with other tags that must be on the images anyway. In other words, pokephilia is either bestiality, furry, or personification, so using the tags for that along with the pokemon tag is the proper way to tag images that would have been tagged pokephilia.

@Anonymous >> #1039336
If you read the Terms of Service more closely, you'll find that bestiality is only against the rules if it is a photo, or a drawing that is so photorealistic that it's difficult to tell whether it is a drawing or a photo. Any depictions of bestiality that are not photos or photorealistic are not against the rules.

The exact same is true for CP. Any photographs or photorealistic drawings of CP are completely against the rules, and anyone who posts them is banned from the site as soon as they are found. However, drawings of loli and shota do not break this rule, since they are not photos or photorealistic.

Watermarked images are deleted as soon as they are found. Sometimes it's hard to see watermarks on images from the thumbnails, especially if they are large images. We don't, and in fact, can't, look at every single image that comes into the site. We just don't have the manpower. If you find any images with watermarks that weren't placed there by the original artist, please flag them for deletion.

The poor compression rule is difficult to enforce. Only a limited number of us have the eyes for compression artifacts, and even then it can be difficult to draw the line. If compression artifacts are blatant and obvious, we will delete them as soon as we find them. If you find any that haven't been deleted, please flag them for deletion.

Doujinshi pages are also difficult to enforce. 70% of our incoming content comes in on the Danbooru bot. Danbooru doesn't have such strict rules on doujinshi, so lots of doujins get uploaded over there. The sheer volume of doujin pages that come in make it difficult for us to cover them all. We try to delete all of the ones that we see, but there can be gaps in coverage, and we've got more important rules to enforce than the doujin rule.

Grotesque images are deleted with extreme prejudice. You can see evidence of this on the forums. We have completely razed the scat tag, and the majority of images depicting extremely oversized bodyparts have been removed from the site. We also delete extreme guro when we come across it.

Motivators are also deleted on sight with extreme prejudice. Motivators aren't funny at all, and even if they were, that's not what Gelbooru's for. We even extend the definition to include many image macros.

Paysites are also deleted as soon as we can verify that they are paysite content. This can be difficult. The main method we have for checking this is the watermark, and as I said before, if we can't see the watermark from the thumbnail, we're not even likely to look. Even then, many people photoshop the watermarks out of the image. Without a watermark, there's no way for us to tell that it's a paysite image unless the owners of the paysite send a DMCA request to the admins about it. DMCA requests are taken seriously and paysite content is removed as soon as we verify that the person who has submitted the request is indeed teh owner of the copyright on the images.

And to throw this into perspective, the Japanese artist rule is the rule that we enforce the least. The fact that you aren't seeing us enforce the rules just shows that we're doing a good job.

41 Points Flag