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Anonymous commented at 2012-04-29 11:13:17 » #1059962

One word comes to mind: "Beautiful"

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-05-23 09:21:13 » #1076492

Agree. And also sweet, and cute. Ahhh.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-07-26 01:18:27 » #1124749

Capcom has to make a redux of breath of fire ii with a flexible story line that allows who u can end up with something like how ffvii works with cloud between tifa and aeris. But still I'd love to see the game in redux with all of the fans longing questions answered.

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Anonymous commented at 2013-01-01 20:44:57 » #1236711

Why bother, it's so obvious he ends up with Nina. Ryu & Nina get together in every BoF game.

0 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2013-01-01 21:12:01 » #1236730

Not all of them. Nina IV liked him, but I don't think she ever said anything to him because Nina Iv was extremely shy. Nina II really didn't have any romantic feelings towards Ryuu in the game, remember the above image is fanart, not canon. Nina V she was a voiceless creation and Ryuu became more of her guardian than anything else.

The only ones it can be said that ended up with Ryuu was Nina I, was i was implied in BoF II when the spirit of Nina I talks to Nina II when obtaining the Mark of the Wing about how the Windians at this point lost the power to transform into birds and Nina III who was a very open and not shy about expressing her feelings.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-14 01:11:57 » #1416167

Yeah fans seem to be split about who should be the love interest in BoFII, since the idea of Ryu X Katt/Rinpoo is toyed with throughout the game.

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