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Anonymous commented at 2009-12-18 16:32:42 » #180185

its art and some people kick on it i see it as some art

47 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-01-11 21:43:15 » #199976

welcome to the internet ladies, gents, anons

44 Points Flag
Seliann commented at 2010-01-13 08:55:43 » #201330

For a wristcut, way too few blood.

30 Points Flag
ErebosSp commented at 2010-02-20 18:06:03 » #230027

too few blood?
did you notice the water?

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-06-04 21:57:26 » #323138

The wound isn't very deep. It would open up more. She's bleeding too much...

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-06-30 09:03:50 » #349490

She's dead and naked in the tub

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-17 05:26:53 » #368028

She's doing it for attention. If she really wanted to kill herself she'd have gone down the road, not across the street.

23 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-25 00:56:57 » #377434

Where's the emo tag?

10 Points Flag
ApocolypticNoodle commented at 2010-08-02 22:58:40 » #387391

Aside from the /wrist.... I'd tap that. ;D

15 Points Flag
Kullervo commented at 2010-09-08 18:57:38 » #430277

Removed 'bath' & 'tub' tags which were obviously meant for 'bath_tub', together with 'attention_whore'. I've said it already elsewhere: tagging should be objective. Emotional responses, whichever they be & whatever prompts them, have no currency in an encyclopedic index.

About the method of suicide: plunging the wound underwater wouldn't relieve the pain, nor would it prevent coagulation, so there is no real incentive to do it in a bathtub unless to make it easier to clean after you're gone.

Losing blood this way is very slow even if the gash is deep & extremely painful: choosing such a method will leave ample time to regret it.

Moreover, the most efficient way of cutting yourself is not transversally at the wrists but along a vein from the wrist towards the elbow: bleeding will be fast, pain unendurable & stopping the haemorrhage extremely difficult.

Finally, a note for suicidal candidates. Whatever the method, even if it is quick & painless or reported to be so, you have two things to consider ultimately:

1. life is very probably a one time opportunity for all living beings, you have no guaranty of an after life, so throwing it away will always be the most stupid idea you could ever come up with.

2. the very last moment of life remains a mystery - what amount of pain one does feel when all functions shut down, even if while asleep or unconscious, is unknown. Now what if that moment is perceived by the slowing down brain as an eternity? Pain without apparent cessation. Some would call it Hell.

Sorry if I made anyone feel nauseous but I had to get it off my chest. I do feel nauseous at the sight of bloody wounds & I'm not amused by the death of real world people. My apologies if my words caused any anguish.

43 Points Flag