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Anonymous commented at 2012-06-24 02:24:47 » #1100285

Aelinore fawning over her warrior (the Arisen), Selene always willing to give the Arisen any of her hand-made herb ales. and I'm not too sure about the last panel, maybe the main pawn is jealous of the time the girls spend with the Arisen/the time the Arisen spends with the girls? kinda stupid considering the Arisen and the main pawn are nearly always together

4 Points Flag
Kanashiikage commented at 2012-06-24 17:51:06 » #1100710

At the same time though, Capcom for whatever reason didn't give us the ability to romance our Main Pawn. She has every right to be jealous since game wise, the the Arisen will never look at her like the other girls.

7 Points Flag
kenjiharimak commented at 2012-06-25 21:39:04 » #1101736

Agreed guys. The main pawn is like a robot, stoic and the only time she'll really emotions is when you teach her on a knowledge chair, they don't even advice you to make decisions in the game because they lack that will storywise. Seems here the main pawn has been thought too much in the knowledge chair and now has her own emotions. I really like the idea of a Pawn ending instead of the "becoming one" ending.

Oh and yes btw Selene will end up in your house after doing the Witch Hunt Quest, so if you end up with another girl like here Aelinore here, you get an instant harem with her. It's like a 3some, if you do that quest.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-07-07 03:22:29 » #1110489

The Pawns have a tendency to break items in your house (iirc there is a crate) if you loiter around too much.

If the pawn is being jealous (cannot read the kanji...), the author is imagining that the Pawn is breaking things in the Arisen's house as a way to get his attention rather then gain loot.

I also agree that it would be nice if Capcom would at least let the Pawn maintain their original form in the ending. =/

5 Points Flag
WaraDensetsu commented at 2012-07-25 21:34:42 » #1124580

Actually, while I can't exactly translate the whole thing, I can get the gist of the joke. Our Arisen here has garnered the love of Aelinore and Selene, and they fawn over him and give him herb brews respectively. However he doesn't care at all, for he is too enamored with his Pawn. The crashing and such is just the pawn breaking objects in the house to find loot (which pawns do all the time), which apparently the Arisen finds attractive in some weird way. I know his pain though, for we shall not ever experience a Pawn ending. Quite sad, that.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-19 16:07:26 » #1363202

On the 3rd Panel, It's the Main Pawn smashing the crate on your house..It's not "jealous" it's just the arisen explaining that, that's what it do when it goes home

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