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ZERO-SHIFT commented at 2012-07-20 15:03:06 » #1120636

The last Phazon Metroid remaining on Elysia felt very lonely and out of place after the evil Samus Aran swept through Xenoresearch and murdered his entire family, so he decides to attempt to blend in with steampunk Elysian neighbors. Tragically, with Elysia being populated only with robots, he later starved to death. Very sad.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-07-21 16:47:23 » #1121384

God I hated that part, Elysia was so awesome being a steampunk city in the sky, the art and music was beast, although thats to be expected from Retro. Then everything gets all serious, that creepy music chimes in, and space pirate husks start showing up. I was so happy to get that part over with.

3 Points Flag
CharsDeleted初号機 commented at 2015-09-06 00:22:52 » #1808763

I loved that part! Mostly due to the scare-factor that made me want to steer clear of that sector of Skytown (west I believe it was?). I can see why you don't like it though, as it's kind of rash and crude of those pirates to invade the peaceful city with their "biological" issues, blood and whatnot.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-06 02:32:38 » #1808818

Ah yes, jolly good time.

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