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Anonymous commented at 2012-10-04 07:53:21 » #1174127

Ugh,big pain in the ass

56 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-10-04 14:35:48 » #1174316

He's trained for that ^^

30 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2012-10-04 21:04:10 » #1174548

Trap tag does not apply, penis can be seen in the thumbnail.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-10-06 01:49:15 » #1175374

The "Trap" tag doesn't apply to us not being able to see the penis in the thumbnail.

Rather, it means that the person in question could actually be confused for a female.

Urban Dictionary: A man who dresses like a woman and is somewhat feminine in appearance. Could almost be mistaken for a woman until you are in the bedroom with one.

So that Trap Tag should apply. *sighs* I almost missed this picture thnx to some moron not tagging this with Trap. ._.

25 Points Flag
(⌐■_■) commented at 2012-10-09 01:38:22 » #1177588

Mods here automatically assume that they're right here. While It's cool that they moderate the site, it's not so cool that it seems little thought is put into removing such tags.

It's almost as if they don't want people finding what they're looking for.

What then are we supposed to search, if not trap? It's to the point. A feminine-enough guy to pass as a girl. How about instead of simply removing the tag, (which is pointless in the first place) you make it an alias to what you'd actually have us search for.

15 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2012-10-09 02:24:40 » #1177621

(⌐■_■) said:
Mods here automatically assume that they're right here. While It's cool that they moderate the site, it's not so cool that it seems little thought is put into removing such tags.

We define tagging policy, so we ARE right by default. Remember that tag policy doesn't necessary intend to reflect the general usage of a word in language, as our tags aren't designed to describe an image, but instead to make it searchable.

And a lot of thought was put into removing the tag. Using it as you're implying that we should would make the tag too all-encompassing, and would be directly redundant with several other tags. This makes obfuscates searching.

It's almost as if they don't want people finding what they're looking for.

On the contrary, our tagging policy is set up to make searching as detailed as possible, so that users find exactly what they're looking for and not a whole jumble of different things to sort through.

What then are we supposed to search, if not trap? It's to the point. A feminine-enough guy to pass as a girl.

In images with no clothing, the androgynous tag should be used. In images where a character is wearing female clothing, but doesn't have a female body type to match it, simply crossdressing. All three of these tags can and do frequently overlap, which is useful for eliminating specific subsets that one might not wish to look for.

How about instead of simply removing the tag, (which is pointless in the first place) you make it an alias to what you'd actually have us search for.

We can't alias a single tag into a very large number of specific tag combinations that one can use to find the subset that they wish to find.

The "trap" tag has a very specific purpose: images depicting a male who cannot be identified as such from the thumbnail.

"Androgynous" also has a specific purpose: characters whose gender is either entirely impossible to derive from secondary sexual characteristics, or who have secondary sexual characteristics from conflicting genders (such as a character with an otherwise female body who has a masculine face).

"Crossdressing" also has a specific purpose: characters who are dressing in the opposite gender's clothing.

It's easily possible for someone to be crossdressing without being androgynous or a trap. It's possible for one to be androgynous without being a trap or crossdressing (for example, they can be completely nude, which would invalidate both of the other tags). It's possible to be a trap without being androgynous or crossdressing (as the androgynous tag only applies if secondary sexual characteristics are not distinct or in conflict, if a character's visible secondary sexual characteristics are all female, the androgynous tag would not apply, and the "trap" tag can also apply to clothing which is gender-neutral).

Do not use the "trap" tag if gender can be ascertained with certainty from the thumbnail alone. This includes easily visible genitalia. If there is easily visible genitalia in an image, consider using "crossdressing" or "androgynous" as applicable instead. If you wish to find images including males who appear to be females, consider using the tag search "androgynous male". If you want to find images of nude crossdressing males who appear female, consider the tag search "crossdressing androgynous male nude".

Remember that tag searching is a subtractive process - you add a tag to your search to remove all images that do not contain that tag from the results. Making a tag too broad makes this difficult, as it may remove images that one may not wish to remove from searches.

9 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2012-10-09 07:39:43 » #1177696

I'm not assuming I'm right, I'm using the exact definition of the trap tag on this site. Feminine looks are irrelevant. The wiki definition clearly states that if the gender can be easily seen in the thumbnail size the image, the trap tag doesn't apply.


His exposed penis is easily seen in the thumbnail, meaning he can easily be ascertained that he's male without clicking on the image, so the trap tag does not apply.

How you think the trap tag should be used is not important and what Urban Dictionary says means nothing. This is our policy for the use of this tag. Please use the tag correctly.

2 Points Flag
Daniruu commented at 2012-10-09 08:50:37 » #1177714

There's a big issue you guys forget about. There's dozens of trap pictures that aren't marked as androgynous/crossdressing(and sometimes no tags that imply maleness for some reason). If you remove that tag, they will become very hard to find in a sea of forgotten things.

It would also probably help if you didn't lock the tags so we can actually change it to what they're meant to be if you're SO CONCERNED ABOUT IT. You could have also given a little warning telling us that any thumbnail of a girly boy with a visible penis is apparently not a trap picture.

10 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2012-10-09 09:26:34 » #1177722

You're correct.

Daijin, fix the other tags before locking images next time.

Also, the question mark next to each tag in the tag list links to the tag wiki entry for that tag, where exact usage is outlined. Proper usage of the tag, and the majority of other commonly-used tags, is explained there. That's the only place we can really put explanations on tags, since if we put it on the post page, we'd also need to do so with all the other tags that might need an explanation, and that would result in several hundred thousand lines to load each time you try to edit tags on an image.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-10-15 20:44:01 » #1182130

It's so much fuckin' easier to go by the definition that Urban Dictionary has established though isn't it? Have fun fixing the tags.

A huge problem exists in this thing already, and that is that "traps" tend to not have male body structure at all, aside from a penis and balls. Hell, this picture is just a photoshop. To call this a genderswap is silly.

Jerl says its too all-encompassing but trap imo is pretty specific. It does include a lot, but why would we want to now be able to see just the "traps" that aren't so obvious by thumbnails and then have to search again using tags such as shota, crossdressing, and androgynous. I see the points being made, its just been convenient to have trap used so much. Even then, it wasn't put on all pictures it could've been by "users" definition. But whatever, get on your shit and add the androgynous tag for us. I just see this as effort and energy being wasted.

I'm gonna call you mods salmons. Probably cause I'm hungry ...4 sum trapbutt

7 Points Flag