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Anonymous commented at 2014-01-24 03:04:46 » #1475889

I don't know if we can say that this is a reverse trap.

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IchigoRadiance commented at 2014-07-12 13:22:23 » #1567489

"what does it mean to be a trap?"

If you ask yourself this question, you should come to an answer.

To me, a trap is somebody who's gender expression doesn't match their gender identity or if you want to be stubbornly strict and only use biology and/or assigned sex.

Characters like Hideyoshi are traps to me, not because they have a penis, but because they see themselves as a boy. Hideyoshi doesn't even attempt to "trap" anybody into the idea that they are a girl. Hideyoshi sees himself as a boy and usually attempts to set the record straight. Other traps may not be so against being misgendered and just want to look like a girl, but still see themselves as men. They are traps.

In contrast, Characters like Yoshida Yuki, I wouldn't consider a trap, because they see themselves as a girl. To add further evidence, I'm almost certain that Yoshida has had gender reaffirming surgery. If that isn't so, then Yoshida does most certainly live her life as a female, so I don't think it is very kind to call her a trap.

On the other hand, on the particular occasion that this picture is probably trying to depict, Yoshida is trying to pass herself off as a male so she doesn't stand out so much. She was going to see a play that Nitori and his class was putting on and she may not have wanted to cause a ruckus at Nitori's school. In this sense, Yoshida is a trap, though a reverse one because Yoshida still sees herself as a female.

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