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Anonymous commented at 2012-12-05 17:29:20 » #1217853

I dont care for incest, but I care for lesbians!!

8 Points Flag
beeto45 commented at 2013-01-02 15:30:57 » #1237341

whitch one's the daughter?
i'd asume one of them is like fouty'ish
and both look young

4 Points Flag
Manik commented at 2014-01-02 21:24:30 » #1464215

oh wow, the chained collar just makes this a perfect image! hehe

3 Points Flag
cameron commented at 2014-05-27 02:53:36 » #1541434

to answer Beeto's question, the one on top is the daughter, her name is Lun, and In the game, Kisara, her mother, has massive tits, actually looks more her age, is a total babe, and all around rocks the Milf vibe pretty hard. And if you've never played any of the Suikoden games then I would say go check it out, they are all pretty awesome, but Five was one of the best.

5 Points Flag