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Anonymous commented at 2013-06-10 14:33:49 » #1337793

The primary objective of this crappy show is to force children into transexuality, as if the entire human race were to depend on it.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-09-10 21:02:35 » #1396793

yeah....but i can't stop laughing my ass over this shit!!!!

i mean like...COME ON!!! are this guys seriously nuts? when i first saw him, i thought this show was another ADULT SWIM character!! but then i figured it out THIS supposed to be a new TV kids show bean broadcast on the HUB.

then...it wasn't funny anymore......


5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-15 23:31:06 » #1437081

what tha hell makes them think that they are sexy... BURN THIS PICTURE!! AAAAAAAAAAAH MY EYES!!!

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-16 21:15:02 » #1437578

Actually the show isn't that bad. The main character didn't actually want to be Shezow. There really isn't a political statement either. Guy, the main character doesn't really become any more feminine after becoming Shezow. He still does practically everything he did prior to becoming Shezow. It really doesn't have anything to do with transvestism or transgenderism, or transsexualism.

Rather than mope about his circumstances though. He did accept that the responsibility, even if it was a bit embarrassing. He did try at one point to change his outfit, but found out that doing so would take away his powers. He chose to get his powers back, because he enjoyed them enough that they were worth the look.

Nobody is forcing kids to get sex changes. Nobody is even forcing them to crossdress. If a kid sees this, they probably aren't going to crossdress. And even if they did, many kids go through a phase where they do that, but it passes. It's a harmless phase, and in cases where it doesn't pass, where somebody decides they want to continue or even push it further, you still couldn't blame this show because nobody is getting hurt. And in the end, blaming Shezow for a kid crossdressing is tantamount to blaming Videogames for violence, or porn for sex crimes.

Give the show a watch before you make a judgment on it. I did and it's much cleaner than most of the stuff kid's watch. There were a few moments where they got crap past the radar. The first episode was named "Shezow happens" and at one point, a character says "Holy ship of fools!". Shezow at one point makes his hand giant and says "Mine's bigger" to the villain of the show. Whatever the case, the plot itself wasn't bad, and those things would fly right over most kids heads.

14 Points Flag