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Anonymous commented at 2013-01-21 01:42:33 » #1250049

Non-guro jeffr pics... *fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap*

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-02 17:08:01 » #1313458

non-guro, but that guy shoving his fist up the ass could quickly change that if he wanted.

This is still hot ... being oiled up and felt up by strong stranger hands while something is rammed in your ass and your prostate probed until you ejaculate in a mess of cum and sweat.

This would be the part where I disclaim by saying "I'm not gay", yet something like this makes me question whether it would be worth a shot pitching on the other team at times. Maybe it's the submissive side in me wanting to feel helpless and victimized. I don't know, but this turns me on.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-13 02:35:37 » #1985373

Alright anon 2, but still.. Ask yourself if yiu are such a fair, soft skinned, unhairy boy. Greasy haired, long bearded, rude skinned males, even if gracious, delictae in composition and nice and hot in forms, would feelquite differently while oiled up and rubbed. When hairy I myself feel very bad if touched. You would love it, but since I guess you say you're not gay because you fill heteronormatism stereotypes, I also guess your natural bodyhair doesn't get removed on a daily basis, and you may not take much work to ensure your sexyness. I don't think you must be ugly, just uncared of and un uncaring (since you act according to that stereotype).

So if someday you try this, care a lot of details as details are what mekes this enjoyable. The strong hands need to belong to trustfull people and be nice to the touch. There needs to be a certain delicacy and respect in any part, to allow a natural flow of things, I discounsel bodyhair, and I'd advice a gooodd, very carefull hygienic care for most participants before, during and after the sessions to ensure the greater softness of the sensations.

The way you talked it sempt you would like to do that in anyway, anyform, whatever time, however. And I assure you if you did it, being a gay outsider, you'd surely get mad and forget your own desires forever, losing the oportunity to know that in fact you're as gay as it gets.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-12-27 07:41:45 » #2071371

Anon 3: Yeah, because no gay man ever liked body hair or men who don't aspire to look like 14-year-old boys or flat-chested women. Obviously, the "bear" community is a collective hallucination. *rolls eyes*

Boy, do you ever sound like a judgmental, bitchy, immature twink.

Sure, fisting requires a lot of preparation – but only in terms of the bottom getting a thorough enema and the top filing his nails down to the flesh, both necessary for everyone's health and safety. Body hair doesn't matter, and some like the little extra friction in between all that lube.

You're right in one point though (as far as I can tell despite your truly atrocious spelling – and no, not being a native English speaker is not an excuse; I'm not either): Fisting is about trust, not "being victimized". It's not supposed to hurt, and the top needs to be extremely careful and patient. Really "ramming" anything up anyone's ass would cause severe injuries – fitting anything as big as a whole hand through the sphincter muscle needs team work from the bottom and the top (and most likely poppers and/or marihuana), at least until the bottom's sphincter muscle and rectal walls have relaxed and stretched enough that "punch fisting" becomes an option, which usually takes years of training.

However, all BDSM requires deep trust in the end, and all erotic fantasies about domination and violence are really about pretend play. (Well, other than the fantasies of actual rapists, I suppose.) There's no reason why Anon 2 couldn't request to combine fisting with some kind of gang rape role play if he wants that and if he's capable of going deep into sub space while still feeling safe enough to actively relax. In fact, a fisting club might be the best way for him to fulfill his desire of being ravished by strangers with strong hands, since dedicated members of the community are much more aware than the average guy about the necessities of building trust (without necessarily getting to know each other), ensuring physically safe play, and making sure there's at least some rudimentary after care instead of just abandoning the sub / bottom right after an emotionally intense session. Plus, fisting tops are often delighted to train newbie bottoms, whereas most gay guys you'd find randomly on hook-up apps would be either loathe to waste time with someone who doesn't know what to do with another man's body, or predatory "cherry-popping" fetishists only in it for the conquest and not likely to be patient or caring about the newbie's well-being. (Yes, fucking "straight" guys is a popular fantasy in the gay community – but, aside from rape fantasies, that's normally because it's assumed that a straight guy will be an exclusive top and happy to do all the work.)

By the way, it's not all that unusual for genuinely straight people to play with the same gender in the BDSM community. The power play kink can work perfectly well without being sexually attracted to the person you're playing with, and the physical sensations created by whips and toys and stuff would be the same anyway. I'd recommend Anon 2 might first try to find a nice dominant woman (or perhaps a transgender guy) to try fisting with, if he isn't sure about being attracted to men (women have smaller hands, too), since men who (still) identify as straight usually have a lot of subconscious fear and shame regarding being in sexual situations with other penis-owners, and that would make relaxing enough to be fisted much harder. On the other hand, while enjoyment of anal penetration has nothing to do with sexual orientation, his wish to be handled by "strong hands" does make me think he might be bisexual. Gay/straight is not an either/or thing, people.

5 Points Flag
Mystera429 commented at 2018-04-01 14:36:15 » #2225459

This thread went from "Oh cool a flame war" to "christ, WTF am I reading"

6 Points Flag