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Anonymous commented at 2013-01-21 03:42:28 » #1250106

Hiro brings backs lisanne and does almost nothing with her. Well regardless, nice ass.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-23 00:38:56 » #1251281

Maybe he hasn't thought of a good storyline that won't have terrible sales (all the NatsuLucy fans out there)

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-02-02 11:46:30 » #1257951

the way she gave up on Natsu wasn't even funny...lately she's like a background character witch is a waste...

5 Points Flag
Generotic commented at 2013-02-03 21:03:46 » #1258873

I can't even look at Lisanna anymore without feeling the sting of all that wasted potential.
...she rocks the dukes nicely, though.

6 Points Flag
CardboardBox commented at 2013-06-19 21:45:54 » #1344375

That's Mashima's biggest problem, really. He has no clue how to balance character screen time. Despite there being dozens of possibilities for story arcs with various characters, he chooses to focus on his beloved Lucy and her two dimensional friends. Erza is of course the exception to this rule. If I were given control of FT, you'd better believe that she'd put front and center. Other minor characters like Elfman, Mirajane, Cana, would be given much more to do as well.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-28 10:21:56 » #1368571

While I agree it is somewhat of a waist that Lisanna hasn't been used much this arc, but she played a big role in Tenrou somewhat, much more so than Bixlow, Freid, or Evergreen. Yes she didn't have a big role in the Tournament arc, but there were tons of other characters in that. You can't focus on all the characters at once, cause it takes away from the main ones. Personally, I think Mashima has done a far better job than most artists with fleshing out his characters. Naruto and Bleach hardly even focus on their main protagonists aside from Naruto, Ichigo, Sasuke, and Kakashi. But that's just my opinion

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-20 22:34:51 » #1522522

the problem with Naruto is they jump around too much, its just incoherent story arcs aside from the main one that all follow up to one ending. I cant say anything for bleach since I haven't watched it. But FT does need a few side arcs that are relevant and not just random filler like the flash backs in Naruto. What was the point of me watching how Shino became a better close quarters fighter other than the Hinata fanservice scenes. Hopefully in the Second season WHICH IS OUT NOW. will have more arcs with lisanna. Plus Wendy got a lot of screen time on her beginning plot.

3 Points Flag