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Anonymous commented at 2013-02-19 16:40:57 » #1268825

I don't much care for her SCIV costume, I thought it was a bit too revealing. My favorites are SCII, SCIII, and SCV, but she was rendered beautifully in SCIV. Ivy always looks amazing, even when she has a costume I don't care for. :)

5 Points Flag
TheUndertaker commented at 2013-02-19 16:53:40 » #1268834

^Didn't realize I was signed out, lol.

4 Points Flag
paatrix commented at 2013-02-20 11:04:47 » #1269343

honestly i used to roll my eyes every time a fighting game featured a busty female with revealing outfits, but given the recent wave of political correctness flooding the gaming industry i now applaud any developer who flip the middle finger at the whiny press "looking at you kotaku" and feature designs like these.

6 Points Flag
BaconMinion commented at 2013-02-20 11:16:54 » #1269349

They're Japanese; they're not doing it to out of some self righteous thing, they're just doing it because JAPAN.

That said, more Ivy needs more clothes. Leave SOMETHING to my imagination beyond what color her nipples are.

3 Points Flag
TheUndertaker commented at 2013-02-21 20:11:33 » #1270114

^Have you not played SCV? Lol. That was the perfect balance.

4 Points Flag
TheUndertaker commented at 2013-02-21 20:16:07 » #1270117

Also, this isn't generally directed towards BaconMinion, but I never understood the saying 'Leave something to the imagination'. I know what boobs look like, I don't need to imagine what they look like, lol.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-02-21 23:05:44 » #1270208

^ It's kind of like "leave something to fantasize about, let the mind wander and imagine things the way you think they should be" in most cases where I've seen it used.

Other cases I've seen have been a disapproving "that leaves nothing to the imagination", implying that the person needs to put some clothes on and be decent.

0 Points Flag
TheUndertaker commented at 2013-02-22 13:41:35 » #1270492

Ah, I see. I don't necessarily agree with the first one, but I do understand it now. The second case is just ignorant, lol. Thanks for explaining. :)

I think that what this all boils down into, is that Ivy looks amazing regardless, even if her SCIV costume wasn't the best. She'll always be my favorite, no matter what.

1 Points Flag
TheUndertaker commented at 2013-02-23 19:06:47 » #1271180

I hate to keep commenting, but I just realized this is a great photoshop. Look at the previous pic, the breasts are smaller. Ivy has a canonical 36D bust, not that E-G fan made pic that everyone so ignorantly thinks is legit, lol.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-04-20 00:50:46 » #1305729

@ Paatrix, I'm all for gender equality but I agree, I roll my eyes when game journalism like Kotaku thinks they speak for everyone on the subject of how much is too much fan service. It's like they have this misconception that all feminists are the same and that they are all prudes and think anything even remotely sexy is sexist.

Which is not the case and they need to speak for themselves, a lot of them are okay with fan service and understand a little bit of it is okay as long as it's fun, it's when they're too much it stops being fun and ends up being creepy and hateful. They understand that humans (both men AND women) are sexual beings and once in a while they need some kind of sexual stimuli (why else would there be fan service aimed at the ladies? Solid Snake and Nightwings butts anyone? How about Twilight abs?) Hell some of them like showing off cleavage and being teases.

Most of the ones I know would find Soul Calibur too goofy to find it offensive I mean you are hitting people in the head with a sword and no blood or lost limbs happen. If it was Lord of The Rings which takes itself serious despite being fantasy and they added bikini armor or Splinter Cell which is supposed to be realistic and they just added assless chaps to a solider (male or female) then yeah it'd be stupid and offensive.

But Soul Calibur is so over the top cartoony that most people would just see it as cheesy fun.

Also I find irony that Kotaku will be so quick to complain about the women showing a lot of skin and going into battle without armor when the same thing is done with the guys, most of them are also showing skin and not wearing protective armor, the guys are made into pretty boys and are sexualized just as much as the women so if anything Soul Calibur is equal gender by making everyone, with exceptions like Voldo, pretty. The men are eye candy for the ladies just as much as the ladies are for the guys.

And a lot of them I talked to wish Kotaku would stop talking for them, just die and let them decide what games they think are okay and what others go too far.

2 Points Flag