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Anonymous commented at 2013-03-02 14:09:21 » #1275390

God damn Selkie being adorable

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-03-02 18:30:11 » #1275586

I can't believe people actually like this character.
How is a chick in a costume a monster girl?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-03-02 19:54:31 » #1275635

People have said the same thing about several of the mamonos already out for a long time now. Seems like at least a 1/4, maybe a 1/3, of the Mamono in MGE look more like youngish (a few years past puperty to nowhere near being past puberty,) girls in cosplay costumes than monstrous but attactive women... which I thought was the point of MGE. Well, that, or there being a large number of monster girls of various types and fetishes for people to "enjoy" looking at.

10 Points Flag
Ablade commented at 2013-03-03 03:56:46 » #1275860

Actually dumbass anon2 and just to let you know anon3, if either of you read the real folk lore on selkies you would know that they can turn into full human women so they can mate with men. So the creator of MGE is basing the fur costume around the real folk lores magical tranformation. So fuck off anon2 and the more you know anon3.

16 Points Flag
EricFong commented at 2013-03-04 05:24:58 » #1276636

I added the translation, it is from based off the Chinese version of the artwork(Requested from the artist)

Feel free to fix my grammar if you see fix.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-03-05 07:01:22 » #1277390

she's cold because half her titties are out. Why not get a more covering fur outfit. Don't be butthurt guys anon 3 is giving his opinion on these girls. Nobody is forced to like them or not like them. If he thinks that way, it's not because hes ignorant of the stories of the girls. He just thinks that way. So don't give him "the more you know" bull crap. Other people might like some MGS and not others because they do look like only costumes. Gee get over yourselves

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-03-05 07:08:10 » #1277392

Half her titties are out because clothes that cover the chest are hard as fuck to make. Theres a reason why early "shirts" were nothing more than large sheets tied around the torso (lol togas)

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-03-05 07:18:40 » #1277397

fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/...now_by_yamino-d5c0ubn.png A different version more covered hahaha

2 Points Flag
Rahkshi500 commented at 2013-03-08 10:58:30 » #1279356

Anon 4, don't give us the "butthurt" bull crap. The voting system is there for a reason, to agree or disagree with comments. Just because there's a downvote does not mean that the person who downvoted a comment doesn't mean they're "butthurt", it just means they disagree. Anon 2 is free to give his opinions, but he is making gross generalizations about not only the MGs in this setting, but also the viewers who was reading stuff, indicated by the quoted enjoy part, which comes across as if he's mocking people's tastes and preferences. Whether Anon 2 is ignorant of the Selkie folklore or not, it's still important to inform others otherwise there will be some people who might be confused. If Anon 2 still doesn't like it even after being informed, that's his business then, but I would like it if he didn't make such gross generalizations.

5 Points Flag
Rahkshi500 commented at 2013-03-08 11:45:03 » #1279371

Sorry, I meant Anon 3, not 2. Also, sorry for the bits of misspelling.

1 Points Flag