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Anonymous commented at 2013-03-11 08:18:41 » #1281076

If hentai and this would not be hard censored, it would be much more better.

26 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-03-12 21:46:06 » #1282068

If the majority of [japanese] hentai producers would develop and publish it outside of japan, there'd be no need to censor it [as badly or] at all! The law only applies to japan, but not other places, so why haven't they decided to just plan an HQ elsewhere, like the "underbelly" of Amsterdam or somewhere where they can conduct business non-chalant?

18 Points Flag
Isuna commented at 2013-03-16 04:08:33 » #1283994

Because they know that if non-Japanese gets their hands on stuff, it will appear on the internet... even more frequently than it does now.

All CDs, DVDs and Blu-Rays are seriously expensive in Japan. Probably three or more times as expensive in the states. I don't know if this is because the industry is hurting or they are just greedy. Whatever the case, I don't think it will change anytime soon. : (

If I ever get permanent residence in Japan (i.e. marry), I'll certainly start the Otaku Party where censoring will be our top issue.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-03-28 22:12:40 » #1292175

The cost of living and stuff in general is certainly higher than in the U.S., but DVDs (anime in particular) are ridiculous. Pretty much no anime DVDs or Blu-rays have more than two episodes on them and you pay the equivalent of 50-60 dollars for one. American consumers obviously wouldn't stand for that, which is why prices are lower here (I can remember not long ago a single anime DVD cost $30, but at least it would have four or five episodes on it.) They're running a legalized racket, and they want to protect that from the consumers who, given the choice, would re-import the cheaper, uncensored DVDs. That's what was happening from 2003-6 when lots of hentai was being released in the U.S., so they made a blanket decision to stop licensing hentai for uncensored release and force the Japanese consumers to buy the $60 single episode censored DVDs. Rather than give the customers what they want, they only care about protecting their ridiculous profit margin. That's the REAL reason piracy of anime is so rampant. They're not making as much money as they used to, but it's their own fault; they've kept these inflated prices for so long the consumers have gotten fed up and download it instead. Then they blame the consumers.

28 Points Flag
danhibiki commented at 2013-03-28 22:21:08 » #1292183

Basically what Anon3 is saying is "Otaku are stupid and will pay just about anything".

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-17 13:52:09 » #1438014

In japan nobody wants to be remembered as the guy who said "we want our porn uncensored" I guess

7 Points Flag