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garcias commented at 2013-05-09 02:47:43 » #1317465


5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-09 06:13:19 » #1317520

Thank goodness all those annoying comments are gone. Go wild, Ichigo!

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-09 22:18:41 » #1317973

Hmmmm I just noticed the color's of Ichigo's Bankai are a vibrant level of black and red and and undertone of white and after watching a specific episode of King of The Hill it made me think that his scheme resembles the Nazis which I found comical.

6 Points Flag
ICO13 commented at 2013-05-09 23:30:47 » #1318015

Some things needed to be said to some ANONYMOUS prick that's why those comments were said.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-10 04:49:52 » #1318158

anon 2 your years late on that lol

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-10 11:31:17 » #1318254

Well it makes sense to see Ichigo as a personification of Nazism because the Nazi's thought they could beat anyone with the best technology but were defeated by numbers and if you add realism to bleach then Ichigo would have died in his first encounter with Byakuya because in reality someone with that mindset would have executed him without a second thought instead of supposedly leaving him there to bleed out.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-11 23:32:46 » #1319230

Don't forget that his swords hilt has a Swastika format on it.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-11 23:44:10 » #1319237

It's a manji
A buddhist symbol
It is not a swastika

The manji stands for Dharma, universal harmony, and the balance of opposites.

Also the original meaning of swastikas was much like a holy cross. Nazi's, sadly, single handedly fucked up the use of the symbol for generations.

The more you know.

28 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-12 01:01:21 » #1319281

Correction Hitler purposely used the symbol knowing its original meaning because he saw his movement as a religious journey purifying the world of "jews" for one but also the mentally handicapped and homosexuals among other things. The only difference between Hitlers use of it and other occurrence's such as the crusades and Spanish Inquisition was that there is actual footage and recordings of Hitlers distorted view of life other people have religiously persecuted others and used namely the holy cross to justify what they are doing is in the name of their god. Ever heard of the Spanish Donkey? It's a wooden horse with a steel slit at the top meant to tear the helpless tortured person in half from the crotch up and it was used in the Spanish Inquisition and everybody knows of the famous Iron Maiden. Aside from the history lesson if they didn't want Ichigo to be correlated to Nazism couldn't they pick other colors for his Bankai? Why specifically black red and white you could color the Manji whatever color you want but why did they specifically make it that color scheme?

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-13 22:40:49 » #1320583

Its a sad day when the in depth factual description is voted down because the simpletons of the internet do not like to read.........

9 Points Flag