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Anonymous commented at 2013-05-25 13:48:35 » #1327486

why is my skarner-chan crying? D:

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-25 16:10:38 » #1327531

Cus no one plays skarner.

3 Points Flag
daztora commented at 2013-05-25 21:31:47 » #1327688

Because she misses her kind

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-27 04:30:02 » #1328481

It's all has changed Since season3 started

jungle speed has far from top class,stability worse than before,and defence be cut down.
The summoner who select me has being rare now...

Worse more,my telson be not must hit and the incoming boxing
woman actually have just same skill but must hit and have longer distance.....

And most every summoner select me in random in Howl Abyss must will change another one

What‘s this?Everyone cooperate to bully me?

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-12 23:37:05 » #1339545

Aw Skarner D: I still use you!

2 Points Flag
solutions10 commented at 2015-09-23 23:04:35 » #1819077

And lo, a few years later, Skarner got her revenge, hardcore, by having literally the highest win rate of any champion after the rework. Ever, at any time. No one's even come close to that record-shattering 65% win rate (with a team of five, that's just unreal). Vi never came anywhere close, not by a long shot, even at her peak.

Poetic. Of course, everyone still bans her (YES I'M SAYING HER), even though she's very fair right now...But the fear of her absurd buffs that made her carry entire teams remains, and people are still having flashbacks of literally getting impaled and dragged into brushes to be finished off.

Welcome back, Skarner. We missed you so much.

3 Points Flag