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Anonymous commented at 2013-06-04 00:57:25 » #1333622


same here, this ecchi anime sh*t is all about fanservice alone. and nope none of them ever had sex, they're all virgins for fetish reasons only but still have a heavy sexual feel...

i like porn(that's why im on this site) but i hate animes like to love ru and when i see this show about 17-18 year olds who all look 13-14 doing this crap it makes me wonder why this show has such a big fanbase

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-04 01:17:14 » #1333633

Seriously. Did the relationship crash seriously caused a few screws to come loose for the creator (I forget exactly who)?

I heard Haruna Sairenji was supposed to be based on the girlfriend(?) of real life that didn't end well and that caused a period of grief and later caused Haruna to move out of the spotlight in the spinoff series.

I'm kind of fuzzy on the details but I know for sure on the key points....

2 Points Flag
hammarn commented at 2013-06-06 08:49:01 » #1335059

Why the fuck are people even complaining about this series?
Just let the ones whom like it enjoy it.
If you do not like it then do not watch it, simple.
What is going so horribly wrong in your lives that you gotta complain on things like this!?.

6 Points Flag
SystemError commented at 2013-06-06 09:46:00 » #1335087

Probably I'll get downvoted, but anyway...

I never really understood this dichotomy between "good anime shows with a nice plot worth watching" and "anime shows with a crapload of fanservice/ecchi which are complete garbage" for a lot of so-called anime watchers. These people say stuff like "this is why I don't watch anime anymore", "only retard loosers watch this kind of shit", "anime these days suck royally", "go watch hentai instead if you want to fap" and "the 99,9% of anime is utter shit".

Albeit anime in the latter decade became more commercialized, and a higher percentage of them focuses on making a profit instead of being madly artistic and having a well though-out storyline, the anime/manga industry is not dead and is not dying. It is changing, but everyone could find something to satisfy their taste (yeah, even after al those looong years).

Haruhi was overhyped for sure, but there must be a reason why it's so popular, and that's not only hype. Personally I watched the first season, and it wasn't bad, I liked the idea and it was a decent anime for me.

And an anime being ecchi isn't a reason to bury it six feet deep in a mass grave. A lot of guys (and girls) like that kind of pointless teasing, which is different from hentai, by, actually, being more detailed in terms of story and characters. Or the character design is pretty. Or sumthing.

For one, I can enjoy both serious-complex-philosophical, retarded ecchi and hardcore hentai anime too (though no guro, tentacle and BDSM), what the high flying fuck is wrong with that, my friends?

You all were new to animu and mango at some point, and I'm sure somebody told you it's fucking retarded to watch and read it. Don't do the same with similar-minded people (we all enjoy japanese pop culture some way), even if they have vastly different interests and tastes on what they want to spend their free time on.


Live and let live. Some people like mindless crappy ecchi stuff, let them be, help world peace, downvote me, blahblahblah.

...now, I might fap to this, excuse me...

13 Points Flag
kaoknight commented at 2013-06-06 12:42:23 » #1335178


I agree but I guess the reason why ecchi anime is so popular even though it virtually has no story is because some people prefer soft teasing fanservice over actual sex and claim to like that they have more character than hentai(even though it's just an archtype like a tsundere)

I used to like anime too but now I only watch the hentai(dont see the point in watch 12-24 eps to see panties, wardrobe malfunctions, naked bath scenes etc)

right now anime is mostly ecchi and moe(it makes the most money with otaku I guess) anything else like good story/plot went out window a long time ago

I dont care if someone likes to love ru either but when someone defends it and says that it actually has a story outside fanservice then they're insane

2 Points Flag
hammarn commented at 2013-06-06 14:37:42 » #1335236


So you are saying that in an ecchi anime were the characters have stories and characteristics have the same amount of character as in a hentai were they just get fucked, end of the story.. Really?

There are many kinds of anime outside of the ecchi ones you know? that is a bullshit reason.. and people has different tastes you know..

That statement is 100% false.

Are you shitting me? the characters have shit ton of story behind them, i cried at the end of the first season because i could relate to it, and wanted more. You are the insane one here.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-06 15:49:14 » #1335269

hahah... seriously guys, what episode is it from? please?

2 Points Flag
SystemError commented at 2013-06-06 16:21:07 » #1335286


Yeah, you're mostly right with that opinion, but...

There are still non-moe non-ecchi anime. Sure, the focus is on otaku genres these days, but that doesn't mean the whole industry and the whole "new generation" (wut? I mean fans of stuff like Haruhi or K-On! or SAO) should be written off as crappy.

Still, I don't find all the harem crap that crappy. Maybe it's my personality, I have a varied musical taste too. (Not like I watch much anime these days, let's say that my current life situation makes that a bit hard...)

Though you might say ecchi stuff don't have more story than your average hentai, technically they have some sort of story. A backstory, some ongoing story, even if a lot of people wouldn't call that a proper story as in a novel. Hell, there is a even whole slice-of-life genre, in which basically nothing happens apart from everyday stuff (and the occasional weird shit the usually characters do).

As for the softcore aspect, the difference between hentai and ecchi could be described as the difference between a nude girl and a girl in lingerie. Sometimes less is more. Also, usually there is more romance and cute stuff going on in ecchi, and some, including me, don't mind some of that in an anime. (Should I feel bad as a /straight nice/ guy who likes the love aspect of harem comedies?)

There is this age-old clash between a group who does not find animu in general that much awesome, and the group of the more obsessed "fans" who have a more positive view on anime as a whole. My personal view is that the former group is continouosly spawning the 4chan-born animu troll culture (hey, hi anons!), and the people in the latter group is often called otaku, geek, weeaboo, nerd, hikky, asocial, virgin, fat, gay, looser etc. The real question is, do we have to do this war on each other, and should be being an "otaku" (as in being obsessed about a hobby) considered bad? Especially if said people fuel the whole industry, and said people don't even hurt anybody?

I know, tl;dr being a comment under an extremely ecchi gif on Gelbooru.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised of being attacked by anons (or trolls?) now. :3

7 Points Flag
SystemError commented at 2013-06-06 16:27:05 » #1335288

Screw this, I forgot to insert a word after a second thought.

(and the occasional weird shit the usually "moeblob" characters do).

0 Points Flag
kaoknight commented at 2013-06-07 12:38:28 » #1335846


yeah, i never understood the like for moe like k-on/luck star.

I said before I have nothing against to-love-ru or ecchi lovers(to each his own I guess, and I'm on this site for crying out loud...) but I guess I was wrong too,technically Tolov ru has a story, but if you look at it way everything has a story. to love ru has a main character male, a no personality nice guy who is always accidentally getting into situations where he sees naked girls...

it has a formula like every other harem has the tsunderes, little sisters, the stupid best friend etc..but i guess if you're going to make over multiple seasons you might as well try to give them a little flashback back story.

to lov ru has multiple seasons, ova's/specials I've looked at some of it and it seemed more like fap material than anything else.

TBH, I used to like harem/ecchi but that was when i was new to anime and liked everything without giving any criticism but now I dont like it much because too many producer/animators are choosing ecchi/harem/moe as the easy route because it is guaranteed to make money instead of making something original with a good story.

For example I liked the first episode of SAO but I saw the rest of the series and found out it was just a harem in disguise while being a .hack// ripoff

3 Points Flag