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Anonymous commented at 2013-06-12 16:03:16 » #1339251

I'm a straight girl...but this is quite hot actually XD
But we didn't see her like that since Sasori.
Naruto boys always wanting to be heroes and saving Sakura everywhere, everytime, even when she doesn't ask for help.
Think the girl can't take one punch or 2? One kunai will kill her? The girl who took a sword and started healing herself with the sword still in her stomach? Bitch please...=_=

32 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-14 00:34:27 » #1340376

^Haha, I agree. Sakura is more resilient than people give her credit for. She is one of the best medical ninja's and seems to do a good job of planning for worst case scenarios. She can heal a specific location while being stabbed, I imagine she will only get better as time goes on.

Not only is she a medical-nin but she also has super-chakra strength which gives her the best of both worlds. As for her always being saved, it's okay for comrades to have her back but Sakura is not weak and if she gets hurt she can heal herself and not have to wait for another medical ninja to stop by.

I wonder how many other of the ninja's of her generation would have made it past Sasori's poison? That's Batman level preparation right there.

Overall I think she is one of the most versatile ninja of her generation. Perfect chakra control, expert medical-nin, talented with antidotes, chakra super-strength, can summon katsuyu now, and has the diamond thing on her forehead now which drastically increases her stats. Her only weakness is she might be a bit of a glass canon, however I think her healing skills might be getting good enough where getting hurt a little is not a serious issue.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-23 22:33:24 » #1347097

probably not, maybe (and i mean maybe) hinata because of her eyes but thats all...

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-19 00:27:00 » #1362818

lol at fangirls whining about Sakura getting saved.
If she didn't, they would complain how Kishi lets her get hurt.

Anon1@ So by your logic, if Sakura has a chance to survive an incomign attack, then Naruto should just let her take it even if he can prevent it. Nice.

3 Points Flag
Aluysione commented at 2013-08-07 21:36:24 » #1375784

Eh, I get the feeling the creator of Sakura and subsequently the anime can not for the life of them decide how strong/able she actually is and she either heads for Mary Sue territory (meaning, she's too perfect, too strong, somehow able to overcome that which no one else can) or weak little girl. The Sasori fight for instance was perfectly fine and greatly showcased her true strength and resilience, but after she got scratched with the poison and only had 5 minutes left or something ... and that turned into what, 20? that's when I called BS. She was nearly a match for Sasori, or at least was able to give him a run for his money, but she shouldn't also be all powerful in only one area. Unless they showed previously that she already diluted the poison she dealt with before and made her body to be able to withstand it longer, that part simply didn't make sense and it felt like she only defeated Sasori despite her being poisoned (I think more then once) so that the story could move along and not at all because of her abilities. It pissed me off, because I was gaining respect for her considering the creator does just make her stand doe-eyed a good portion of the time. That and Sasori was an extremely formidable opponent (an undead puppet who's only weakness was the tube in which he kept his heart on his heavily weaponized person, he commanded 100 other puppets each equipped with their own weapons and could fight AND he himself was a poison and toxin expert who in his spare time made human puppets, gouging out their insides and skinning them to make his creations of eternal beauty in his mind) for ANYONE to come across and if feels like both her real talents and his fighting prowess got tossed aside after about the 4-5th episode they had their fight in. I dunno, I just wish they'd stick to one thing for Sakura. Many hate her, others stand up for her. She seems to really be both useless and the most useful ninja in existence. I mean, come on, she's essentially a tank-healer with some minor dps. You really can't get a better combo then that.

2 Points Flag