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BaconMinion commented at 2013-06-22 13:17:35 » #1346191

That and death threats. Or entire communities calling for the franchise to be removed from his ownership because "only the fans know what's true!"

Look at Harry Potter.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-24 02:09:35 » #1347194

@ 1346019 Your repeated fallacy that (let me quote you)

"Kishi isn't really sexist, he just can't write women which is something he actually admits. Having an all guy story is kinda gay though so he had add some women, you know? The women he did add seem to be pretty popular too."

Is bullshit. What is so difficult in wiriting women? Anyone who says it is suffering under gender stereotypes. Why couldn't he just make Gaara a girl and look: one of the most interesting female characters ever.

Toriko is so called "gay" as you put it - and it it lot better. And calling all guy story "gay" is homophobic and shows how simple minded you are.

13 Points Flag
bigb commented at 2013-06-24 10:34:14 » #1347375

it's not that he cant write a good strong female lead, he's just a lazy asshole. It doesn't take much to research something simple like that, hell he could have just read a bunch of manga from talented authors and stole ideas. It's not like he hasn't done it before

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-24 18:23:46 » #1347601

Okay, guess I'm back to talk some more. . .

First of all, I'm that guy you two voted down from a few days ago. I don't have a problem with gay people, it wasn't meant as an insult, it was meant the way I said it though. If the entire world has no women, only men, it's going to end up with a lot of man love, ergo gay. The only other option is that they're all a bunch of. . .what do you call someone with no sexual drive? Whatever, that.

Second of all, why do you two think writing women is easy? Are you writers? I think not if you're arguing with me on Gelbooru. I'm not a writer, I don't know much about the writing process, if the guy says he can't write women I'm inclined to believe him seeing as he knows a whole lot more on the subject than I do. If you two are also accomplished or respected writers in some way or form then maybe you can argue the point and I can learn a few things.
And another thing, directing this at bigb. How do you know it's simple? It seems awfully complicated to me. Also, have you ever researched something and immediately found out you could do it? Maybe he's done his research, tried things out and still found it difficult.

Third, I'm not sure what the sentence "Anyone who says it is suffering under gender stereo-types." means exactly. Do you mean you think he is suffering from the misconception that men and women should be written differently or he only knows female stereo-types or. . .what exactly did you mean by that?

I don't know why he didn't make Garra a girl, maybe he thought Garra would make a better boy. Also, why would you possibly think Girl-Garra would be one of the most interesting female characters ever? I'm interested.

Lastly, I was not aware that we knew each other. Or maybe you're just some super sleuth. It must be something like that because with just a humorous use of the word "gay" you call me simple-minded and homophobic. I don't know you, nor do I pretend that I know exactly what I'm talking about but I can see a few things about you just from your comment and how I found it that I'd like to talk about.

I first noticed that my initial comment had been down-voted twice. Seeing as both you and bigb disagreed with me heavily I'm inclined to think it was the two of you who did so.
I also deduce you both up-voted yourselves seeing as barely anyone besides me and several others checks out the comments after the first ten. My suspicions are only increased by the fact that bigb has a very. . .opinionated personality from what I've seen from his past comments on Naruto posts.
Because of that I down-voted the two of you. This was not done out of spite but to remove your unfair advantage over the people who do not up-vote themselves. If you didn't in fact up-vote your own comment than I apologize for the needless down-vote.
Second, you're rather quick to jump to conclusions about my nature and state of mind with your attempts to insult me meaning I either offended you in some way and you thought trying to take me down a peg would be your righteous deed of the day or you're just a dick. I want to think the best of you so I think it's the first one.
Know that I did not mean "gay" as an insult against the homosexual community or you and that I see nothing wrong with your sexual preference. For making it seem as if I did, I am sorry.

Again, I do not pretend that I know these things as fact. They are but simple deductions. If they happen to be false would you kindly correct me?

. . .

Um. . .hm, well now, was there anything else I wanted to tell you two? Ah, yes. I have no problem with debating but in the future when you want to do so with someone then please refrain from name calling as it only debases your own argument.
-Sincerely, the Humble Porn Site Debater

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-25 17:07:46 » #1348262

. . .You have got to be one of the most obvious trolls of all time.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-25 18:04:15 » #1348288

Seeing all these long comments and arguments has been a real eyesore. No one cares on what you people have to say. There should be a comment disable option for times like this.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-09-08 09:32:31 » #1395302

Seeing your comment is an eyesore for some too. Likely no one cares about you opinion likewise.
Thats why I write comments for my pleasure exclusively. Dont really care if someone dislikes it.

0 Points Flag