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Anonymous commented at 2013-07-12 18:13:02 » #1358573

Why my sauna times aren't like that again?

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-08-03 05:08:29 » #1372534

You ever get the feeling that Kotori's out to ruin the other idols?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-01-10 20:25:25 » #2322672

@anon 2
No, not really.

If there was anything to ruin the idols from within 765, it was Ryuuguu Komachi. I fucking HATED that group. Not the idols in it, mind you, just the way the group worked. They were always so distant and separated, they might as well have had Ritsuko make her own Production company and gone against 765. They started overshadowing all the other idols when her original intent was to use them for a little while until 765 was a bt more popular. As if that wasn’t enough, the crowd at a concert even started getting bored because Ryuugu Komachi wasn’t coming on stage. Plus, Ritsuko should have stayed as an idol, she was quite popular. 765 has a producer, they don’t need 2. Also, the members don’t harmonize well, Iori and Azusa were already not well matched, then Ritsuko shoves AMI in there?! She and Mami are TWINS! Who the hell could work better with you than your OWN TWIN SISTER?! The worst part of it all was that the twins were almost never together again after Ryuugu Komachi was made, which annoyed me throughout the entire anime...

1 Points Flag