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Anonymous commented at 2013-10-20 12:49:16 » #1420064

My rules when I see harem images are:
1.-There aren´t male characters just me. (more than 1? I cloned myself, or used kagebusshin no jutsu) (It dosen matter if he has 1 or 2 things different than me)
2.-All men´s in anime are dead, or homosexual.
3.- All the girls feel lonely, and sad, so they need comfort, or just love me.
Did I follow these rules? then I can *fap*
No exceptions

2 Points Flag
mtg_wolfie commented at 2014-05-12 12:35:10 » #1533673

lucy is actually straight. and shizuka only showed up cause the girls, then she figured that male and female tongues are the same, she she joined in XD

1 Points Flag