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Anonymous commented at 2013-09-03 11:22:55 » #1392206

You know, with Zelda being kidnapped by Ganondorf or some other villain all the time (similar to Peach of Mario Bros.), it sure says a lot about her wisdom and tactics, now doesn't it? *facepalm*

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-09-03 20:34:03 » #1392464

Sorry Zelda, you're no Annie.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-09-12 01:34:14 » #1397592

Totally demanding a berserk Titan-Zelda boss fight in the next game!

1 Points Flag
Lorisor commented at 2014-09-22 02:07:23 » #1606246

Lol, these comments about Zelda being some weak ass character is, while true to a degree, has a much deeper and sinister sound to it.

If they decided to make Zelda the heroine then there wouldn't be shit anyone could say about it regardless.

That aside, the Zelda stories are basically "Link is the chosen one, so NOBODY but him can save the land" whether it says "Hero of Time", "Kokiri Hero", or anything where it tells the 'Story' you'll see this.

My point without diving into the comments that sound like someone's purposely trying to piss off some radical feminist group or something is that, the game/story ordains LINK the Hero, so at the end of the day, not Zelda, not Impa(Usually clearly stronger than Link WITHOUT Triforce power awakening) not any goron, zora or ANYONE else.

Even with Zelda being a Princess-Knight in Hyrule Warriors it's still LINK that's the center of the storyline.

Not cause he's a man, not cause Zelda's a woman, not cause Impa's a Ninja type, not cause Goron's are big and slow, not cause Zora's are lithe and fragile, or gerudo's are female only bandits that don't care about anything but their own tribe.

It's just cause "The Story Says So".

If the next game decides "Link gets murdered and Zelda is all that's left" then Zelda becomes the heroine...

It'll never happen...but that's the way it'd be then people will be like "WOW ZELDA'S SO BADASS" or "NO WAY ZELDA'S BETTER!".

Just the nature of the world.

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