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Anonymous commented at 2013-10-10 12:29:36 » #1414054

Nice fatality. Scorpion never disappoint me :')

63 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-20 14:13:06 » #1420114

There are times when she deserves it.

50 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-29 18:22:46 » #1426107

Yuuka never deserves this. Also, she'd probably be able to kill Scorpion ten times over. (yes I know he's already dead, you get my point.)

But seriously, the guy who drew this either has serious problems, is trying too hard to go "LOL MK > TOUHOU" which is stupid considering they shouldn't even be compared in the first place, or has some weird fetish.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-29 18:24:33 » #1426109

I feel like the first comment was downvoted and the second and third comments were uploaded by one guy with multiple accounts, since the general consensus on Gelbooru given the reaction on other pictures of similar nature being that most users dislike this stuff.

That is, of course, assuming the person holding multiple accounts didn't make the second and third comments in some attempt to make it appear that the majority sides with him.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-29 23:43:51 » #1426293

you mean upvoted instead of uploadd right

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-04 16:09:48 » #1429962

I think the upvoted comments and the downvoted ones only prove that one anon right lol

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-04 16:16:14 » #1429965

You know, quite a few things about this are depressing. Not the image itself, but the comment section. One being that people who are simply upset about their favorite character being maimed and killed are being mass-downvoted in such an intense manner that it's pretty obvious it's one person with multiple accounts trying to silence opinions dissenting from theirs (be it the image creator or simply somebody else). Or it could be a group of people instead. Either way, it's really sad that it's happening, and is such another indication that Gelbooru really should do something about multiple accounts.

Another thing being the only comments being upvoted are ones praising the image itself or disagreeing with those who just are upset with it. It's even worse if the comments are being made by the uploader/artist themselves, but either way it's showing a blatant abuse of multiple accounts or more than one person with many accounts just trying to make it so there's nothing negative to be said about the image.

Honestly, it's really disappointing.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-04 16:25:00 » #1429970

Pffft. Yuuka would fuck him up any day.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-04 16:42:28 » #1429983

Oh wow, what the fuck is this? Did this actually get allowed on Gelbooru? Dear God, this is just laughably bad.

I mean, just look at the art. The body proportions are really fucked up, the artist clearly has no idea how anatomy works, and every just looks messy or out of place. Doesn't even look like a Japanese artist or the kind of Japanese-styled art that Gelbooru even allows. Oh, and let's not forget that really-badly shopped in "FATALITY" logo. Nice quality and JPEG artifacts there. I'm sorry, I just can't stop laughing at how bad this looks.

And that's not even taking into account the whole theme of the image. I mean really, why the fuck are these two universes even crossing over? They're so completely different and have absolutely nothing in common that there's really no reason for them to be doing so. Not to mention Scorpion is hilariously out of character, acting as some silly bondage fetishist with a sailor mouth. Honestly, I'd bet he's probably acting as a self-insert for the author's own little kinks.

All in all, I can only think of a few reasons as to why this picture even exists. One, the artist hates Touhou and has a raging boner for Mortal Kombat, and felt the need to try and shove his viewpoints of 'MORTAL KOMBAT IS R TEH BETTER THAN TOUHOU!!!111!!!" down everybody's throat. Another being somebody feels threatened by Japanese games becoming super popular so they chose one of the most popular Japanese games in existence, having one of its' strongest characters being dominated and humiliated by a Western game character before killed in some symbolic attempt to show Western superiority. Wouldn't be the first time it happened, and most of those attempts to do so all involve Mortal Kombat characters maiming people from other series that have nothing in common with them in gory ways and often come from DeviantART. A third possibility is that it's just a teenager trying to be '2edgy4u' while also trying to troll a large fandom. Which is adorable, but Gelbooru isn't that place. Lastly, it's just some guy with weird fetishes throwing them onto two random characters, which would explain the overall bad quality of this picture.

Either way, this picture is just laughably terrible; I'm amused it even got put up here. It's also pretty embarrassing that fandoms just can't get along either.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-04 16:44:13 » #1429985

You know, Mystic Square did show us that Yuuka easily could slaughter the entire Makai. I think it's safe to say some angsty little undead ninja would not be a problem for her.

Also lol at people saying she deserves it. I'm sensing some projection.

12 Points Flag