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Anonymous commented at 2013-10-31 20:01:54 » #1427351

i wonder how is they transformations

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-03 23:14:47 » #1429510

They'd probably get a full suit of armor, rather than a quarter of one.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-12-21 10:33:41 » #1457042

I think the fanservice actually serves a point in the series, beyond the T&A factor. The series makes a big point of how clothes are used to cover up people and turn them into something else. Sort of like a facade everyone puts on. But when Ryuko and Satsuki don their clothes, they're actually more exposed than covered, forcing them to bare their true selves to the world. Hell, I believe Satsuki says as much when she first transforms.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-12-30 04:25:15 » #1462087

Love this art, and most genderbent stuff, and I don't wish to detract from it by getting on a soapbox, but I'll try to keep it short:

If you look at Kill la Kill's kamui transformations and just see fanservice after the 3rd episode, then you've obviously missed the point entirely. Its about liking yourself, and the very skin you've been in since the day you were born. Its about not being ashamed of who you are. A kamui grants immense power to the wearer, but only when they don it without chagrin. Only reason one would wield one would be in a situation where they had no other choice, and showing off one's body isn't as important as the situation at hand.

Its a billion times harder for women too, since they're constantly believing that they're being judged(not just by guys, but by women too, who honestly have the potential to be far more venomous than guys usually are) which is why the mostly naked thing really wouldn't work for guys. I mean, look at He-Man and Conan The Barbarian.

Point is that you should like yourself, no matter what. And when push comes to shove, if you have to be naked to get the job done, then you grin and bear it all.

2 Points Flag