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Ruruberu commented at 2013-11-15 14:13:39 » #1436813


7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-15 19:10:36 » #1436942

Excluding Sanageyama, I wonder what they look like transformed.

Anyone care to share their thoughts?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-17 10:33:29 » #1437917

Besides boosting their natural strength and talents. Their transformed state's abilities would probably be based around their position in the school and their appearance around the animal in their names.

For example the "Sa" in Sanageyama means monkey, he is the Athletic Committee Chairman and the school's Kendo captain. He becomes a gorilla shaped robot samurai that can create an endless supply of kendo sticks.

The "Gama" in Gamagoori means toad and he is the Disciplinary Committee Chairman. His transformed state would most likely have a toad/frog shaped, and it would be based around someone whose job it is to maintain order like policeman or maybe a knight. His weapon is a whip so when he changes it might have some kind of highly sticky substance to restrain others, like a frog's tongue.

The "Inu" in Inumuta means dog and he is the Information and Strategy Committee Chairman. Given his name and job his other form could be some kind of computer/cyber Anubis that attacks using electricity with pin point accuracy using the data he has collected from watching past fights.

The "Jaku" in Jakuzure means snake, she is the Cultural Committee Chairwoman and the leader of the school marching band. She might have a kind of musical conductor cobra shaped form that uses sound based attacks perhaps from speakers located some where on her body.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-20 11:07:37 » #1439928

can't wait for this to happen!!!

2013 is the year of the Jakuzure!

1 Points Flag