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Anonymous commented at 2013-11-28 18:13:53 » #1444582

To achieve this scene, the director had the entire art team blue-balled for three weeks, slipped them horse-adreneline and testosterone in their coffee for five, and hired a fat dude to follow them around and mock them for being to subtle in their work for eight.

46 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-28 18:25:14 » #1444584

>Has a gratituous nude transformation clip of his own.
>Makes crass sexual jokes and noises in every fight
>Has an entire three-stage superpower based on heavy BDSM, with possible mind-rape and transformation abilities in the last version
>Blindly devotes himself to the only girl with a more revealing outfit and less modesty than the heroine
>Self-righteously tries to slut-shame Ryuuko

The hypocrisy is so dense you couldn't pentrate it with a greatsword. I know that's the dramatic/comedic irony of the villain side, but still, shouldn't a human being suffocate to death on their own intestinal track from having their head shoved that far up their ass?

22 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-28 18:59:16 » #1444592

But anon2! Satsuki-sama is the exception!

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-28 19:15:19 » #1444601

@Anon3, on the topics of sexuality and decency, yes, Satsuki is very straight about her views, but she compensates by being hypocritical about power and corruption. In Ira's flashback in episode 8 she chews out the delinquet couple for using their family connections to raise hell with impunity, yet when Ira points out she's doing the exact same thing to dominate them, the best justification she can spit out is that "one day I'll make all of my parents' power my own", which falls flat because we've already seen that five years after the incident she still has to answer to mommy for taking her dress clothes out of the wardrobe. And back in the "Fight Club" plotline, she denounces the entire city as being greedy pigs who rip each other apart for power, when she is not only the orchestrator of the entire system, but she makes a point of rendering powerless any and all people who try to go against the system. She is the lynchpin of all wretchedness in the setting, and she still has the gall to call others pigs while brushing off the fact that she is in essence the Queen Sow.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-28 19:19:15 » #1444604

How about we go back to talking about how absurdly funny and suggestive but still awsome this scene was?

26 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-28 21:20:55 » #1444641

We can't do that, because the internet is serious business.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-29 03:20:58 » #1444764

As 62 and 83 declare.

But then again... I heard one of you guys liked mudkips.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-29 15:53:33 » #1445025

Awesome greentexting... oh wait, no, THIS ISN'T 4chan.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-30 06:50:06 » #1445427

@Anon4, I think it's meant to be understood that the delinquent couple from the flashback had no ambitions other than to abuse the power they have by virtue of their parents. Satsuki, on the other hand clearly seeks to not only take over from her parents, but also drastically expand her own level of power and control. Not saying she's justified (at least not yet, still curious to see where this whole thing is going) But she seems to detest people that are spoiled and lazy.

4 Points Flag
EldritchGentleman commented at 2013-12-04 15:35:02 » #1447836

That's pretty much it, she takes both the power and the responsibility that goes with the power, she doesn't shrink from the consequences of her actions. For example putting Junketsu on seems to be pretty hard on her but she is not showing it to her subordinates.

1 Points Flag