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Anonymous commented at 2013-12-05 20:28:37 » #1448403

Must I assume that she has got a Goodra in the game?

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-12-06 06:36:19 » #1448660

Yes she does she has one when you fight her for a second time on the bridge to snowbelle city (the last gym city).
Too be honest when I first saw her I thought she was gonna be another bianca, she picks the starter weak against yours but she has a friggen dragon pokemon and in my opinion that makes her a better rival than calem (I chose the girl), I mean all he does is follow you everywhere like an obsessed stalker and you don't even need his help.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-12-29 17:40:49 » #1461751

even though she has a dragon, the fact that she only fights with three pokemon, which are usually weaker than any pokemon of the protagonist makes her a quite bad rival. moreover it's not only the second but also the last fight against her, and her only other pokemon beside the starter and goodra is delcatty, a rather weak pokemon. therefore Kalem/Serena is a much better rival and also the only one in X/Y I would actually count as one.

And i think the whole goodra family is some kind of a bad joke. I mean...I'm no genwunner by all means, but a strange gooey something, which evolves into a snail and then into some drooling Nessie copy without even having the water or poison type is a worse idea than Klefki (though I like the idea somehiw but well....It's a key)

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-01-04 20:13:58 » #1465373

Goodra's a Shussebora, a snail that becomes a dragon after 300 years of living in the mountains, the sea, and the plains.

Do your homework, losers.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-03-02 04:32:52 » #1496522

I just wish Goodra had kept the "blank" eyes that Goomy and Sliggoo had. I love it's design except for it's shitty eyes.

Also, neat info anon4.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-19 20:13:39 » #1868344

Well, anon3, Shauna is more interested in making memories on her journey than battling, so that's probably why she doesn't battle you much. Hugh from BW2 didn't battle you nearly as much as Cheren from BW did. They've got their own goals.

1 Points Flag