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Anonymous commented at 2014-01-16 01:43:10 » #1471710


Actually, no. DB characters, from Future Trunks and onwards, can punch planets apart should they want to. Why? Frieza survived Namek blowing up while he was weakened. Namek is bigger than Earth. Frieza's durability is very high.

Guess what happened next? Future Trunks turned Super Saiyan and chopped him up into little pieces. Large planet level striking strength right there.

Also, Goku wouldn't even need to go Super Saiyan in order to win this. Goku during his fight with Raditz is more than enough to win this.

And Goku can't survive in the vacuum of space. That's true. But he can survive for a short while and that's more than enough time for him to Instant Transmission himself to Namek or King Kai's planet. So I don't get what you're saying.

And there's a huge disparity between destructive capacity, durability, and speed between Naruto and Goku. Goku, in his Super Saiyan 3 form, is small star level (stars the size of our Sun, pretty much) in both destructive capacity and durability while also being able to punch out large planets. Naruto... Is in the country level range for both DC and durability. Goku could casually tap Naruto and Naruto would be pasted. And none of Naruto's attacks are going to be hurting Goku.

As for speed, Super Saiyan 3 Goku is much more powerful than base Gotenks who circled the Earth multiple times in the course of a few seconds. Sub-relativistic speeds right there. Naruto is way below in speed. So Goku will be blitzing Naruto before Naruto can process a thought.

And that's just for Super Saiyan 3 Goku.
Super Saiyan God Goku is immensely more powerful than Super Saiyan 3 Goku; Goku's stats just literally skyrocketed. In Super Saiyan God form, Goku managed to match a solar system level character (Bills, granted, was only at 70% of his full power) with 80% of his own power. And possibly thousands of times FTL in reaction speed (both attack and evasion).

Goku will wreck Naruto in a fight. Simply a fact.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-01-16 01:55:51 » #1471714

Cool your autism, bub. Jesus.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-01-16 01:59:13 » #1471715

I love how there's an intensely analytical Who-Would-Win discussion going down on a website primarily used for porn xD

Keep at it, gentlemen (or ladies).

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-01-16 02:07:50 » #1471717

You are mistaken, good anon.
Less than half the content on this site is porn.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-03-05 02:56:22 » #1498138

Yeah Goku's way stronger than Naruto. Here, Naruto might be strong enough to fight and help out on Namek but not much more than that.

As for the butthurt fanboys hurling insults at one or another, in either case you're a loser because you're acting as if these Anime characters EXIST.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-20 21:55:05 » #1522504

I think both would have fun fighting each other and that this would be more a sparring match then anything else as both have many of the same personality traits.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-30 21:16:24 » #1527479

sir Goku shalt smiteth ye knave with the dumbledore!

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-25 01:31:50 » #1540246

Seint Seiya is pretty strong overall, stronger than DBZ as a whole, but Goku could still put up a very good fight against the top tiers of Seint Seiya when counting him alone and not his verse, IMO he'd probably need to go SSJ for regular gold saints and SSJ3 for stuff like shaka de virgo and seiya himself in his super mode, SSJ4 and SSJG however....

But aside from that Naruto doesn't stand a chance, Goku has no chakra channels to get affected by genjutsu from the get go and let's look at this DB fact, shenlong who has reality warping could not warp away freiza and his baddies since they we're physically/potentially more powerful than he was, so unless you've got more muscle/destructive power to back you up with your "special powers" they're not gonna be touching Goku anytime soon, and physically speaking Gai is the best they've got at the moment and he's still definitely not punching out planets.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-22 14:33:09 » #1903980

To the Anonymous that said that SSG Goku matched up with Solar System level, that's wrong.
Super Buu (who is way way weaker than Beerus) could rip a hole through dimensions using his voice, while Buuhan nearly destoryed the Universe, meaning that SSG Goku and Beerus is weaker than Buuhan and Vegetto, or that your facts are a little off

0 Points Flag