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Zogar commented at 2010-01-27 00:46:37 » #213009

wow i feel oddly warm and cuddly inside.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-01-30 08:41:40 » #215575

It is different :P not something one would expect for xenomorph art.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-02-21 11:12:04 » #230694

So far in Canon they've showed Human, Predator, Cow (Or Dog depending on which version of A3 you feel is canon), based Xenomorphs.

I would love to see a Reptile Based host, or a something weird like a elephant.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-04-13 23:29:38 » #275045

if you count the comics as any kind of canon the xenomorph can use any thing as a host long as its bigger then the face hugger

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-21 10:43:48 » #308277

Tail position reminds me of the yin-yang symbol (Does that have an actual name besides yin-yang symbol? Nvr heard it called anything and i'm curious.)

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-24 22:42:10 » #311783

actually anon2 it was a yak. and it would seem that the host gives the xeno its features, human (bipedal), dog(yak) quadtrepal.

1 Points Flag
Fewmets commented at 2010-07-29 22:04:22 » #383129

Yes, the different arch-types of Xenos are caused by their host (with the exclusion of the Praetorian which comes from a specialized 'Hugger') Hence why the Dog based Alien (The runner) was quadrupedal and moved fast, running like a dog, while drones (based off human DNA) are bipedal and have a little more individual Independence from the hive mind, compared to other arch-types. I am not sure as to whether Praetorians have the same adaptation though since I have yet to see one born from anything other than a human host. looking at the information displayed in a canon context it is very possible that their genetic structure is different from that of any species on earth, actually consisting of a triple helix or even a double helix with an additional RNA strand in the queen (two alien RNA genomes and the 'Hugger' genome for production) with the Huggers consisting of a double helix (or possibly two single RNA strands) one of which coding for their own bodies and the other for the eggs they implant, when they implant these eggs, they probably combine the DNA of host with the Alien strand to create a full alien genome. This would explain the lack of reproduction capabilities in the drones, as well as their host determined features. Also if this is true it could also explain Praetorians being the same from all hosts, since they are believed to become Queens they would need pure alien DNA. The only thing that possibly could disprove this theory is the fact that the Hugger RNA genome would need to be dominant in the Huggers, while being recessive in the Queen and Drones.

12 Points Flag
hanabishi_kanda commented at 2010-07-29 22:17:52 » #383140

anon 4, that is what it is actually called, although the use of the word symbol is well, unessesary, as in chinese, we call it through spelling called "pyin ying" its officially pronounced as ying yang, some reason, americans the lazy assholes they are took off the g in the name

2 Points Flag
hanabishi_kanda commented at 2010-07-29 22:21:32 » #383143

anon 4, that is what it is actually called, although the use of the word symbol is well, unessesary, as in chinese, we call it through spelling called "pyin ying" its officially pronounced as ying yang, some reason, americans the lazy assholes they are took off the g in the name

1 Points Flag
MaraLvr commented at 2010-10-02 16:01:50 » #458147

*Wistles* now thats a good explaination Fewmets!

4 Points Flag