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prickly commented at 2014-01-13 03:49:44 » #1470202

*After seeing this pic
Me: I need to check my heterosexuality! What's my balance?
Teller: We'll pull it up sir! Lets see... Ah! We are happy to inform you that current balance is AAANNNDDD it's gone.

85 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-01-13 15:03:41 » #1470443

@Prickly. I'm straight, but if i seen a guy who looked like chick or very feminine i probably would tap it. Not gonna lie.... Maybe i'm just...

57 Points Flag
prickly commented at 2014-01-14 02:51:41 » #1470743


I WAS being a bit facetious with that post (looks like I am being down voted into oblivion xD). Apparently most don't find it funny, and that is of course okay.

I lean on the "since he basically exudes femininity, it doesn't necessarily make you gay", but recently it's bothered me that *some* guys here go to GREAT lengths to "prove" that they are still "100% straight" (as if there is something wrong with being gay/bi in the first place).

I say, don't obsess over labels. Enjoy what you enjoy! :) Sexuality is WAY more fluid than the descriptive power that those labels have (imo). Ever heard of the Kinsey scale?

41 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-01-14 19:33:07 » #1471052

as long as a trap has a feminine expression, i won't count myself gay. it just looks so hot n some guys don't give a f*ck

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-01-15 01:18:42 » #1471214

@prickly: You're being down voted not because "*some* guys here go to GREAT lengths to "prove" that they are still 100% straight", but because your post was unfunny, period.
If you only wrote the first part it would be okay, but the last line totally and utterly killed the joke.

8 Points Flag
prickly commented at 2014-01-15 08:08:24 » #1471368

@anon 1471214

I figured as much (that's pretty much what I said in my second post if you read more carefully).

It was a failed attempt at a South Park reference. Meh, sometimes you fail xD

8 Points Flag
haarlequinn commented at 2014-01-16 10:05:40 » #1471831

The Face O_O
DAt sexy and naughty face DAAAAAMN!

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-01 04:45:02 » #1527650

There's nothing wrong with being gay, but if you fap to traps and call yourself "straight", you're lying to yourself.

16 Points Flag
Zirothos commented at 2014-06-02 23:14:41 » #1545028

heres the doujin cover version

1 Points Flag
The_Specialist commented at 2015-02-03 04:51:11 » #1681656

Well, for some reason the image is locked and I can't add kaname_(locon), which is a character tag.

If anybody can, please do.

1 Points Flag