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Anonymous commented at 2014-01-20 14:19:21 » #1473973

SMH @ these comments.

Obito was a weak character, like Naruto, at the beginning. Once he unlocked his sharingan, he felt so much more powerful but moments later Obito risked his life to save Kakashi and Rin and "died" protecting them. He had Kakashi take his other eye and promise to protect Rin. Now he awakens in a sealed off place with an old man claiming to be Madara and some weird ass white organic clones with a giant demonic statue. Half his body is missing and he's stuck with these guys. He trains for months and as soon as he realizes Kakashi and Rin are in trouble, he rushes out to save them only to witness Kakashi stabbing the girl he loved. He failed to reach there in time. He wasted all that time training for what? He then remembers about Madara's plan and feels like the world he's living in is a fake. Madara goes so far as to show Obito what it'd be like in the dream world. A world where you can do ANYTHING. Bring back the dead and/or become younger. Obviously, Obito would go along with this.

Not to mention that he wanted to accomplish the plan even more when he walked the earth as "Madara" seeing what the world is like rather than just what it was like in his village. Obito was traumatized by a lot of shit at a younger age, more so than Nagato. Put Nagato in the same situation and I guarantee he'd do the same thing. Same goes for Naruto. Madara as well. Nagato, as is Madara, was "a loser of reality." If you've ever taken any Health or psychological classes, you'd know denial is one of the grieving processes and some people tend to be in some HEAVY denial. Now add the fact that he's an Uchiha, who are extremely prone to emotional disorders.

Obito had his MS (which is hax as fuck). So of course he could fuck with Minato. He didn't even bust out his Wood Style. I'm not saying Minato is terrible at fighting or that Obito is tiers above him, but saying he couldn't fight Minato is bullshit after he took on thousands of Mist Anbu and still trained himself afterwards, having one of the most haxed techniques in the entire series that only a few people have countered. (Kakashi, Konan, and Minato)

Obito was never "friendzoned." That just a shitty excuse used by haters like yourself to put him down as a character. Saying Obito was never traumatized by war is a big ass lie, seeing as how he resented being in the 3rd War and had his friend die because the Mist and Leaf had a grudge against each other.

4 Points Flag
leatherhead93 commented at 2014-01-21 20:09:45 » #1474622

I think you guys are really just in denial about the Rin thing. Yes it is because Rin died that Obito ended up this way. Just accept it. Obito already stated that Rin "Was the light of his life" in a very recent chapter which basically implies that if ANYONE else had died in the same way he would not have gone crazy. Rin is the person who gave his life true meaning and pushed him to make himself stronger so he could protect her. It's funny because he contradicted this statement before when he told Kakashi that he should stop kidding himself if he thought started the plan because of him and Rin.

The reason why i so far like Madara more than any of the Naruto villains is because i'm sick and tired of hearing these sob stories that the bad guys have to try to justify their motives. It's getting rather redundant. And it usually stems from someone important to them being killed. Madara has a reasonable enough motive and that's all i really want from him honestly. He's a snarky and cocky badazz which is what makes him entertaining to watch. And it's unlikely he will fall to the talk no justu Naruto is probably going to try to give him.

Having Obito spew the same crap about "the world is nothing but darkness" or "this wolrd is full of hate" got old quick. In fact until Naruto beat him he pretty much said the SAME EXACT drivel the entire time. Nothing was interesting or deep about his words it's all crap we've heard before (heck Nagato brought this up before he did). I really never have felt bad for him because i fail to see the point in trying to save the world from darkness when you are pretty much responsible for the death of literally thousands of lives. He is way past the point of forgiveness and i'm glad that the good guys are actually punished for saving him.

As for plot holes Obito kind of brings up a few of them. First of all when his body was crushed by the rock he said that he could not feel ANYTHING from his right side. That being the case how on earth was he able to activate his eye and cause him to slip through? Am i supposed to believe that his body just naturally slipped through the boulders by magic? No that's just straight up BS reasoning.

Second Obito apparently had possession of a sword that created the entire shinobi world in his fight against Naruto and Sasuke so tell me HOW IN THE HELL they were able to cut through it? That doesn't make any sense at all. And it was never even explained. I'm pretty sure a sword that created the world should be near indestructible. But i guess the power of friendship beats all? lol

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-01-21 20:42:22 » #1474645

okay so i'm gonna get shit on again but i'm gonna tell you why i don't like Madara Uchiha as a character

1. to me, Madara has little to no personality compared to most of the other Naruto villians in the series. the only two faces he makes is manic face and bored face.

2. Madara is a static character, when compare to characters like Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Choji, Gaara, Itachi, Nagato, Kakashi, Sakura and Hinata(to a degree) are dynamtic characters, characters who changed over the course of the story. Madara isn't changed at all not even from his childhood.

3.everyone complains about the whole Obito Rin thing but nobody talks about how Madara left the village just because he didn't get the job he wanted and nobody(except hashirama) trusted him or liked him. people also say obito is runing away from reality, so is madara because he can't accept a world where everyone trust each other.

4. in my opinion, Madara hasn't done a single significance evil or feat thing since he was introduce, you can't add the time when he was alive since it was a time of war, fodder don't count and you can't count the Kages ethier since most of them where still alive and tsunade survived even though she got crushed in half, she still survived and had enough chakra to heal everyone. you have to admit that obito has a bigger body count than Madara.

5. what pisses me off is that Madara fanboys are only atrracted to his power and only that. if you take away madara's power, you just a super boring character.he is all flash, no substance. at least(to me) with Itachi, Kisame, Deidara, Sasori, Kakazu, Hidan, Konan, Nagato and even Obito, they had different personalities but they had power to back it up.

6. am i the only one that thinks that Sasuke, Itachi, Obito and Madara have the same backstory? they all were outcasts in some respect, thier loved ones were killed, they all turned emo, powerful and evil. but with Madara, i never felt sympathic with madara because we never got to see him interact with his brother.this backstory was more developed with Sasuke and Itachi and yes, even Obito's backstory was better than Madara.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-01-22 01:29:06 » #1474800

Thank you, Anon #1474645. Once again, nobody cares why you don't like Madara Uchiha as a character.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-09-18 05:14:52 » #1604123

"To say I started this war over just you and Rin is a severe understatement."
"After Rin died, I walked through the darkness of this world, searching for some light, but I lost hope."
"This hellish world is what tore a hole in my heart."
Obito's motivations go far beyond just Rin.
All of the things he witnessed made him lose hope in the world, so he decided to create a new one, Operation Tsuki No Me was the only thing he thought he had at making a better world.
Rin's death was the first but not the only thing that made him lose hope.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-02 20:31:57 » #1858938

Obito is a great character. One of the best. Anons 5 , 7 and 9 are right Madara is barely even a character out of Madara , Obito , Itachi and Sasuke Madara was the only one I didn't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for. He's just a bastard. The thing about losing his brother is just a fucking excuse he was just an evil prick who was incapable of getting along with anyone. He didn't deserve to be Hashirama's friend yet Hashirama even at the end still cared for him. only Danzo and Tobirama are bigger assholes then Madara.

1 Points Flag