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Anonymous commented at 2014-03-05 15:56:04 » #1498373

I really love the arm amputations. They're helpless but can still walk; they're free to move around, at least to the extent that the leash holder allows. Plus they're smiling. At the end of they day they're pretty and helpless slaves, but they don't just accept it, they're happy with it.

I would love to be one of them.

15 Points Flag
Velvet_Lotus commented at 2014-07-27 03:09:39 » #1575779

I have to agree. I'm not certain why I like the amputations, I think it's probably the aspect of permanent helplessness and dependency.

The arm amputation seems like a great balance. Yes, you can still walk and get around, but you can't do much to stop your owner from using you.

It does seem like a wonderful life.

6 Points Flag