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Anonymous commented at 2014-02-26 18:22:40 » #1494548

So, apparently the 'Bankai' we saw from other characters was wrong. From what I'm inferring, true Bankai are far smaller than what many assume them to be. Wonder whay Byakuya's is going to look like.

On topic; Damn Rukia looks… badass.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-26 19:14:04 » #1494571

And it's freakishly dangerous...

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-26 20:34:24 » #1494613

Most beautiful zanpakutou, indeed.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-26 23:30:32 » #1494670

So since her blade is transparent do you think she's transparent or is she just solid white or light blue?

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-27 01:09:14 » #1494705

Pretty sure she just looks solid white as she's covered in a layer of frost. A later from shows some of that frost breaking away and her normal color coming through.

3 Points Flag
VincentD commented at 2014-02-27 04:57:06 » #1494788

So, I gotta be perfectly honest here... I'm a little disappointed by her bankai. Kubo missed a great opportunity by not making it take the shape of a scythe; not only would it have tied in nicely to the snow = death motif, but it'd have been a perfect shout out to "Fade to Black: Kimi no Na wo Yobu" with Dark Rukia.

It's not a bad bankai as it is, mind, and certainly not lacking in the power department, but it could have been so much better.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-27 10:11:15 » #1494848

Very beautiful, Rukia <3.

5 Points Flag
Kaihedgie commented at 2014-02-27 15:14:34 » #1494965

@VincentD Sode no Shirayuki is suppose to be a Zanpakutou of beauty, not death. That form was nothing more than her own soul being messed around with by Hollows. Not only is the movie not canon, but the scythe she gained was taken from someone who already had said weapon in the first place. You just wanted her Bankai to be Dark Rukia and for no good reason other than a "shout out".

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-28 03:27:07 » #1495339

In the first place, Bankai are said to be externalizations of the Spirit of whatever sword. That's why most of them are giant fuckin' things, because that's just what their spirits are. Hitsugaya's is an ice dragon, he gets ice-dragon bits. Byakuya normally has a shit-ton of cherry blossom-blades, his bankai increases the amount exponentially. Ichigo was originally seen as different in this regard, because of how his Bankai compressed his power, which can be explained by it being Quincy-based. Chances are, his Bankai'll be different next time we see it. Rukia's appearance here is much the same as Ichigo's coat, directly based off her Sword Spirit, though her power still fits with the "Expansion of Power" all other Bankais short of Ichigo have previously displayed. Freakin' ice-splosion turned As Nodt into a freakin' ice-pop...

6 Points Flag
VincentD commented at 2014-02-28 05:43:59 » #1495359

@Kaihedgie: Fair points both, but as I have seen several amazing fan made speculative works where Rukia's bankai features a scythe, I'm clearly not alone in my line of thinking, so I reserve the right to be disappointed that it's not.

That all being said, it may just be the angle (and the monochromatic-ness) fucking with me; looking at the other image of her bankai outfit here on Gelbooru, which is in color and from profile rather than 3/4 and blindingly white, I like it a lot better. It looks elegant and almost queenly.

1 Points Flag