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akai commented at 2014-11-03 04:31:09 » #1628205

To be fair pkmn never had any logic from the begining. Like in the Yellow, Silver, FireRed, SoulSilver & Y pokedex enrties it talks about Pidgeot being able to fly at mach 2 speeds I think but its speed stat is garbage. Like how can they say its super fast but it's not even that fast

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BigStudBen commented at 2014-11-03 04:38:38 » #1628206

Makes you wonder what's gonna be Mewtwo's Smash Attack. X or Y.

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Anonymous commented at 2014-11-03 08:59:58 » #1628276

Why not both?

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Anonymous commented at 2016-05-10 09:33:10 » #1947580

@Anon 10
It might have to do with the team using Mew's DNA to create Mewtwo. Perhaps those Mega Stones were originally suppose to be used by Mew but can be used by its modified clone.

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