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Anonymous commented at 2014-04-20 05:08:07 » #1522178

It also makes no sense whatsoever that they changed her gender for international release just out of fear of backlash.


Double Dragon.

You're VERY CLEARLY smacking women in that too, but nobody called foul on that.
Not to mention Double Dragon had a huge influence in the west too AND predates Final Fight by a good two years.

So really, it makes no sense. Why would they change it out of fear from backlash if yet another big name at the time was doing it and didn't get much flack for it either?

I say Capcom did it just to make Poison different.

9 Points Flag
cameron commented at 2014-05-04 04:03:47 » #1529164

All I can say is that no matter what any one may think of the character or her many alleged origins, and the many self contradicting statements made by Capcom officials and would be authorities on the matter, Poison remains an impressive and memorable addition to fighting game history, as well an attractive compilation of pixels, polygons, and artwork to look at. So what could it hurt to imagine her in whatever form best pleases you individually, after all we forgive genderswaps and artistic license in many other instances. Personally I like the diversity of a transgender girl in fighting games so that's how I chose to acknowledge her, but I see no problem with others picturing her differently. So why make a fuss?

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-08 05:43:21 » #1531329

Poison is transgender however i feel most people get things a bit confused, let me clear something up about the word "transgender" it doesn't tell you what that person has between their legs it just means a person changed their gender to something other then it originally was, for one poison in jap was pre-op, meaning she still had a penis, but when in america she was depicted as a post-op meaning she had her penis removed and got the surgery to have a vagina. Both pre-op and post-op are both under the category of transgender, as you can see no one uses the defining terms and it leads to confusion so i implore you to use the correct terms.

@cameron: transgender people don't have a single character in any games from what i'm aware, people assume cross dressing and gay characters count but trans people don't relate to cross dressers and gay people don't like trans people because they enjoy being with the same sex so they don't like the idea of one changing their gender to something they're no attracted too. So letting people convince others that shes not a trans woman and letting them walk all over the concept is the same as capcom saying shes not trans, it kills the idea and eventually by popular demand they'll be forced into killing the only trans woman in video games. that's why people are fussing over it.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-26 19:49:04 » #1541206

@ Anonymous >> #1531329 I don't want to be offensive but I am unclear what point you think you are making on either of those statements. Firstly you assume that anyone here is unclear as to the definition of transgender and give an unnecessary and frankly tedious explanation. Then, you address me with a speech that is neither warranted nor wanted. I have never been confused by the differences between transgenders, cross-dressers, and homosexuals, I personally have friends and family that fall into each of those life styles and I support and respect each of them for who they are. Nowhere in my post does it imply that I need your help understanding any of that. Nor do I appreciate your obfuscated implication that I support the the belittling or killing of transgenders, in video games or otherwise.

Furthermore saying "transgender people don't have a single character in games" immediately after a long winded explanation about Poison is a touch baffling, and that's beside the fact that you can't label a character in a game as belonging to or representative of a cultural group, that's like saying Barret from FF7 belongs to or is culturally representative of black people.

Perhaps I'm mistaken and you did not intend any offense and if so I will apologize, but you mistakenly assumed many things about myself and others in your post, so I'll just consider us even on that score for now.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-28 11:38:23 » #1542074

I don't care at all that they prefer her to be 100% female, tastes are tastes, but they usually try to come with wrong information and rumours without source that are completely wrong, and when you ask for their source they just don't have any.

2 Points Flag
Floater commented at 2014-05-28 15:11:19 » #1542170

Apparently, the Japanese source claiming that she was originally intended to be female is a book called "All About Capcom Head to Head Fighting Games 1987-2000".

The thing people don't seem to be accounting for (including the guy in the youtube video) is the fact that the decision to make her newhalf could have been made in the development stage of the original arcade game.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-31 01:10:27 » #1543561

Why can't everyone just agree that Poison is sexy as fuck no matter what gender he/she is suppose to be?

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-01 10:37:01 » #1561117

i see boobs

isn't this all anyone needs?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-20 18:28:54 » #1572152

If she was a man I wouldn't think he was sexy because I'm not into that. I'm glad it was only for controversy reasons that she was said to be a male.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-21 05:59:17 » #1852488

The thing is, to the LGBT people, it's important for them to be represented in a game, even if it's token.

Furthermore, she outstanding the other beat em up mooks precisely because she is different.

Lastly, some of you guys must be kidding. How can the fact she is transgender or not influence her hotness? She is a compilation of graphics that makes my dick hard and I like the way she is whatever she is.

10 Points Flag