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Anonymous commented at 2014-06-03 01:38:29 » #1545090

Satsuki: "Ryuuko! You killed my father, prepare to die!"

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-23 20:39:46 » #1556881

Ryuuko: "No, I killed our father onee-chan."

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-23 21:37:21 » #1556914

1556881: Satsuki: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY ONEE-SAMA?"
Ryuuko: "I'm your little sister, Kiryuuin Ryuuko."
Satsuki: "I saw mother throw you away when you died from the failed experiment you should not be alive."
Ryuuko: "Failed experiment!, No the experiment didn't fail thanks to the live fiber my heart only stopped for a minute."
Satsuki: "Then why are you with mother after she throw you away?"
Ryuuko: "Why you ask me because I used the power of the Kiryuuin conglomerate to find you onee-sama and our father is not dead."
Satsuki: "What!!!"
Ryuuko: "Our father is been held captive by our mother."
Satsuki: "RAGYO!!!!!!"
Kiryuuin Ragyo: " THAT'S RIGHT!!! and I've been using him to control your sister Satsuki."
Satsuki: "You FIEND!!!!"
Ragyo: "Ahh! That's no way to speak to your mother."
Satsuki: "There's no way a mother would keep their children captive by holding their father hostage."
Ragyo: "That because you had the same experiment perform on your little sister perform on yourself and you think I wouldn't notice the life fibers in your body. Mmmmh foolish daughter."
Ryuuko: "Onee-sama let join forces to stop our mother's plan."
Satsuki: "Right, the end of your plans end here KIRYUUIN RAGYO!!!!!"
Ragyo: "I look forward to it troublesome daughters, Aaahhahahaha!!!"

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-11-03 16:43:35 » #1628470

quit looking at me like that! I am not a piece of meat!!

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-08 22:44:42 » #1912122

Anon1628470 - Says you.

2 Points Flag