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Xalrun commented at 2014-05-06 13:15:41 » #1530386

That's nice of you to think that but we have no control over votes. So it's highly unlikely.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-06 13:18:34 » #1530389

90% of anime don't have fluid animation.
Um, what?

Next time you pull out random statistics out of your ads, don't make it so blatant.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-06 13:21:09 » #1530390

isn't FLCL like a decade old and it looks as good/better than Killla kill? In terms of animation

15 Points Flag
leejunne commented at 2014-05-06 16:32:27 » #1530473

Before I went to bed half of the comments had positive single digit scores, and the other half had negative single digit scores.

I wake up and the opposite comments have positive double digit and negative double scores respectively.

Moral of this story, is don't go to sleep.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-06 16:47:07 » #1530478

"isn't FLCL like a decade old and it looks as good/better than Killla kill? In terms of animation"

Of course a 6 ep OVA is going to have better animation then a 26 ep tv show. Most OVAs usually have more production time and money then weekly tv shows.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-06 22:16:11 » #1530619

"of course a OVA is going to have better animation than a tv show"

By your logic the old Hunter x Hunter Greed Island has better animation than the 2011 anime. Those School Rumble OVAs sure look better than Fate Zero. Also that Shingeki OVA looked really scrappy compared to a lot of the TV episodes.

It's not just about money or time, it's how much the production team cares. There are smaller studios out there that manage to outshine even Production IG or Gainax. It's because some people don't get lazy and actually want to make something that looks great. Not just mediocre but great. And it's not like Trigger is a piss poor company. It's not like they're got a lot of attention by being the team behind TTGL. It's not like they got more money from that fundraiser. It's not like people are saying they are "saving anime". There's no excuse for an anime that new and behind such a recognized studio to look so shitty. But that's just me.

23 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-06 22:39:04 » #1530627

Hey, to the fucking insecure moron who is so groin-grabbingly neurotic that he needs a bunch of numbers to validate his opinion:

Next time, if you feel the need to stuff the ballot box, try keeping it to plausible numbers, you dimwit. For example, unless you wrote the masterstroke of the century you should not be getting more upvotes than what the picture got. Also, comments that don't consist of whining and/or obvious questions rarely get more than a handful of negative votes.

I know autistic fanboys like yourself have a severe psychological projection problem, but damn, give us SOME credit. You're like those hapless tin pot dictators who 'win' elections with 90%+ of the vote.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-07 02:49:56 » #1530737

I liked KLK.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-07 02:50:31 » #1530738

Look at all these fucking weebs getting buttblasted over their animus. ahahahaha, fucking nerds.

1 Points Flag
leatherhead93 commented at 2014-05-08 07:57:17 » #1531358

Yep i agree with Anon 1530619

If this was an 80's-90's anime I would be fine with the animation. But this is bloody 2014. There is absouletly no reason the animation should have this kind of choppy/rough feel to it. There are couple animated bits but the majority is just crappy looking shortcuts. People can argue that's just the "style" that they chose to go with and I'd agree with that statement partly but to say that the animation is good when it CLEARLY isn't is just blatant ignorance.

I'm one of those folks who take a big gripe with animation so as the series went on and things got worse and worse I was tempted to drop it outright. The repeated uses of shots that happened literally 13 episodes before really convince me they were penny pinching the whole time but tried to disguise it by making everything look frantic and fast paced so they could claim "It's supposed to look this people!". Nope I'm not buying into that for one second.

2 Points Flag