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leatherhead93 commented at 2014-05-13 15:00:08 » #1534249

Even if it is a parody there are plenty of other moments like this in the show. Like when a single image of Mako slides down a ramp and lands on Tsumugu's mech. Not a single bit of animation is going on during this lol.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-13 15:55:17 » #1534271

I figured it was pretty blatantly obvious that they were using cheaper animation for comedic effect during gags. Especially considering the how well-animated rest of the show and action scenes are.

16 Points Flag
CrimsonDX commented at 2014-05-13 16:05:48 » #1534276

It is definitely for comedic effect

9 Points Flag
leatherhead93 commented at 2014-05-13 16:10:43 » #1534280

The action scenes had crappy animation at times too. Two people slashing at each other with maybe a total of 3 frames used is NOT well animated. The action is fast paced to make you THINK it looks good but the majority of the time it's choppy and filled with cheap screen panning as well as reused animations.

Say what you want about the comedic effect with cheap animation but denying that it wasn't also because of the budget is just being completely delusional.

6 Points Flag
leejunne commented at 2014-05-13 16:35:39 » #1534301

We've already had this conversation. We don't need it again.

8 Points Flag
leatherhead93 commented at 2014-05-14 07:40:45 » #1534651

Yes pointing out about a clear flaw in something is apparently frowned upon here because people will blindly defend whatever they like. Guess i can't get used to that =/.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-14 14:33:20 » #1534791


How does it feel to be 12 years old?

9 Points Flag
leatherhead93 commented at 2014-05-14 14:42:39 » #1534793

Given that you've just used one of the most immature and generic insults I'd like to ask you the same question. But then again putting you in the same category as a 12 year old would be quite offensive lol. =p

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-16 20:25:44 » #1535973

It was pretty obvious from the get-go that this series was taking on a retro style anyway. That includes "low budget" animation.
lrn2style kids.

2 Points Flag
sintaro commented at 2014-05-20 21:20:43 » #1538019

Seems like Garry's Mod has invaded every area of entretainment.

2 Points Flag