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Anonymous commented at 2014-08-21 22:33:24 » #1589943

Maxie: "Welcome to Team Magma.. It is our goal to expand the world's landmass in order to further the growth and progression of Mankind."

-Grunt pulls out sunglasses-

Maxie: "What are those for?"

Grunt: "I guess you could say I've... "Landed" the job.."

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-05 18:16:30 » #1894961

seriousely, Homura totaly lost a level in badass in the remake.
don't get me wrong, i'm fine with the new guy, and i would have liked him as another character, but he don't stand up to old version kelvin.
The guy had such a "'i'm about to crush you to piece!" air.

2 Points Flag